
Showing posts from May, 2019

Wore Out, Too Many Winners, Running From Debt, More Agreeing

Fine Day, Agreeing With AOC, Next War, Next Rambo

Great Day, No Venom Please, Heroin Users

Good Day, Vietnam, Crazy Lawsuit

Good Day, Memorial Day, Solo 2?, Crazy Lady

Good Day, New Teaser, Keep Andrew Jackson

Very Stormy Night, New Trailer, American Taliban, Pain Cycles, J.C. Penny

Stormy Day, The Most French Thing Ever, Netflix Over?

Surgery Day, New Star Wars Talk, Moon Mission

Alright Day, Horrible Person, New Plan

Pissy Day, MCU Future, Abortion Talk, Big News

Good Day, No Colonies, Uber Drivers Strike

No Into Post, Star Wars Book, What If, Dumb Comments

Not Writing, Weird Voices, Decriminalizing Weed, Part City to Close Stores

Alright Day, Teacher Pays, Bad Drug, A Real Hero, 2020 Prediction