Boring Day, Little History Stuff, Computer Night Off

Hey there, I hope all of you are doing great!  My day was alright, kind of slow since I didn't wake up till after 9:30 and I never really felt like I was "awake" all day.  I woke up with my head feeling a little light and felt like my eyes could not really stop to focus on anything at all.  Felt kinda strange, never had that happen before, at least as far as I can remember.  The weird thing about me remembering things is I sometimes cannot remember what I did the day before but can easily remember something from 25 years ago.  There is a name for that but I cannot remember what it is but if it is a condition then I probably already have it.  Once you get one auto-immune disease it is normal for you to have at least one more auto-immune condition if not more than one.  I seem to be good at getting the rare auto-immune conditions.  I would love to have a full body scan to see what all else I have that hasn't been discovered before.  Me and my cousin are going to get full body scans if we ever won the lottery and compare the results to see who is more messed up.  Not sure who the winner would be or how to figure out who won but I am sure we can figure something out.  So anyway, let me go get to it!

History Day!  Don't have a whole lot of history stuff to talk about, not one specific thing off the top of my head so I will go with a few little facts that I have crammed away in my brain to fill some of this page up with.  I did a thing on this awhile back when I talked about ironic things that happened.  Here are a few more that I remember and I will look up to see if I can find something to corraberate what I am saying so you will know that I am not making this stuff up.  This is something that is hard to search for but I remember hearing this story in a class at university where a 19th century mayor of Paris told the public that the water was now safe to drink and so he took a drink of water from the river and immediately died from parasites in the water.  I mean, it's kinda funny but a man died so it's also kinda cruel to laugh at it.  I guess you can chalk that up to his hubris, maybe.  I looked through about 10 pages of search results and couldn't find anything to back it up, sorry.  Here are a few others.  People nowadays would have a fit but a lady in France during the 1400's started a trend of walking around town with one breast exposed.  I cannot remember the reason why she did that but a woman really did that and I will add a web page at the end of this that will back it up.  Today marks the day the Titanic set sail on it's disastrous voyage in 1912.  In 1947 Jackie Robinson is said to be the first black man to play Major League Baseball but he really wasn't the first, that honor belongs to a Moses Fleetwood Walker, awesome name by the way, who played up until the 1889 season.  It took another 58 years for another black man to step up to the plate.  So strange that it took that long, it was common to have black players before when Walker was playing but after that 1889 season the league would not see another black man play until 1947.  So, that is all I have for history stuff today, here is that article that has the story about the woman who walked around with one boob out;

Well, my computer went to crap so I'm finishing this on my phone. I did have more to write tonight but guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry guys. I do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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