Alright Day, Funny History Stuff, Bad Idea, Strange Looking
Hey there everyone, I hope your day is going good! My day has been alright, had an early start to the day. Had a doc appointment at 8:00 am with my psych. That appointment went pretty good, she introduced me to a program I might check out called Show Me Healthy Relationships. We didn't get to talk about what it was since it was at the end of our time. But I will check it out, seems like I have so many things I need to look up as of late. After that appointment I went straight to the gym and had a good workout. I tried a few new things but my legs were not wanting to work correctly. Thought I was going to fall transferring a few times today because my legs just don't want to lock out like they should. Not sure why that is happening, usually that happens when it is rainy or overcast outside and cold. Another pain I have been dealing with lately is on the right side of my neck, towards the back. At first I thought this was from sleeping but the pain just comes and goes when it wants to and not when I wake up. In fact it mostly starts to hurt in the evenings but it has acted up in the mornings before in the last week or so. Just normal things I deal with in life, especially as of late. So, let me go on and get to it!
History Day! Here is a collection of funny history stories that I found online today. Thought I would share, we all could use a laugh or two everyday, so hopefully these will give you one. General George S. Patton was one of the biggest badasses in American military history. Once, while in France during WWI, a mayor of a local French town had mistaken a latrine in Patton's camp for a burial and observed it. He got a good laugh when years later during WWII the people of the area where still venerating that "tomb". He didn't have the heart to tell them any different. This is one of my favorite funny history stories and loved when my professor brought it up. In 75 B.C., before he was emporor, Julius Caesar was captured by pirates, like normal the pirates tried to ransom him, not fully knowing who this charge was. When Caesar heard the amount of the ransom, he threatened the pirates with crucifixion and told them to ask for more and even gave them the amount. He told the pirates all the time that he would come back to crucify them, they did not believe him but probably should have. Shortly after being released by the pirates he gathered up a small army and some naval power to go find the pirates. He found them on the same island he was being held at and eventually did crucify them. Here is something you may not know, unless you believe the conspiracy theory that there is a race of humans living inside the Earth. One of the first proponents of this theory was President John Quincy Adams who actually signed a letter of intent for an expedition to the center of the Earth to speak and trade with these humans there. I would love to have seen his face when he first started talking about it. He was the Conspiracy Theorist in Chief, I guess. There you go, hope you enjoyed. Here is a webpage that talks about some of these and other stories;
This is something I am against President Trump on, policy wise. Today he vetoed a measure passed by Congress to end U.S. support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen's civil war. I don't think we should have any involvement in that conflict as long as it does not affect American people or interests. I do not think there are Americans over there unless under their own volition and if that is the case then they are probably not innocent non-combatants. From some things I have seen or read about the conflict, there are mercenaries over there fighting and those could be of any nationality really. If that's the case then we should not support them, they are doing this of their own will. It is just another instance of where we should not stick our nose in, this is their own problem and let them figure it out. We can say that we support on side or the other, just depending but we need to get out of that conflict. Plus, President Trump campaigned on getting us out of costly wars and this is something we need to step back from. Here is an article on this;
Since I am now in a wheelchair I am going to have to use a mini-van, more than likely. I am all for new vehicles and car companies trying something new but this is just hideous. Lexus is a luxury brand that does not at the moment produce a min-van but the recent model they showed off leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least. I really do not know what else to say about it, at least if you hit a deer it will more than likely not go through the windshield and kill you, that's the only positive I can think of right now. The inside is very different from anything else I have seen. Anyway, here is a page with a picture of it, enjoy, I guess;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! Here is a collection of funny history stories that I found online today. Thought I would share, we all could use a laugh or two everyday, so hopefully these will give you one. General George S. Patton was one of the biggest badasses in American military history. Once, while in France during WWI, a mayor of a local French town had mistaken a latrine in Patton's camp for a burial and observed it. He got a good laugh when years later during WWII the people of the area where still venerating that "tomb". He didn't have the heart to tell them any different. This is one of my favorite funny history stories and loved when my professor brought it up. In 75 B.C., before he was emporor, Julius Caesar was captured by pirates, like normal the pirates tried to ransom him, not fully knowing who this charge was. When Caesar heard the amount of the ransom, he threatened the pirates with crucifixion and told them to ask for more and even gave them the amount. He told the pirates all the time that he would come back to crucify them, they did not believe him but probably should have. Shortly after being released by the pirates he gathered up a small army and some naval power to go find the pirates. He found them on the same island he was being held at and eventually did crucify them. Here is something you may not know, unless you believe the conspiracy theory that there is a race of humans living inside the Earth. One of the first proponents of this theory was President John Quincy Adams who actually signed a letter of intent for an expedition to the center of the Earth to speak and trade with these humans there. I would love to have seen his face when he first started talking about it. He was the Conspiracy Theorist in Chief, I guess. There you go, hope you enjoyed. Here is a webpage that talks about some of these and other stories;
This is something I am against President Trump on, policy wise. Today he vetoed a measure passed by Congress to end U.S. support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen's civil war. I don't think we should have any involvement in that conflict as long as it does not affect American people or interests. I do not think there are Americans over there unless under their own volition and if that is the case then they are probably not innocent non-combatants. From some things I have seen or read about the conflict, there are mercenaries over there fighting and those could be of any nationality really. If that's the case then we should not support them, they are doing this of their own will. It is just another instance of where we should not stick our nose in, this is their own problem and let them figure it out. We can say that we support on side or the other, just depending but we need to get out of that conflict. Plus, President Trump campaigned on getting us out of costly wars and this is something we need to step back from. Here is an article on this;
Since I am now in a wheelchair I am going to have to use a mini-van, more than likely. I am all for new vehicles and car companies trying something new but this is just hideous. Lexus is a luxury brand that does not at the moment produce a min-van but the recent model they showed off leaves a lot to be desired, to say the least. I really do not know what else to say about it, at least if you hit a deer it will more than likely not go through the windshield and kill you, that's the only positive I can think of right now. The inside is very different from anything else I have seen. Anyway, here is a page with a picture of it, enjoy, I guess;
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!