
Showing posts from October, 2018

Good Day, History Day, Bad Guy Served, Presidential Rally Here

Pretty Good Day, Episode IX Rumors, Stupid Scooters

Church Going, Radicals Everywhere, My Conspiracy Theory

Depressing Day, Where is the Real News Anymore?

Little Mess Up, Another Una-Bomber?, Daredevil S3 Spoiler Review, About Time

Sorry, this was to be yesterdays post

Boring Day, Thoughts on Star Wars Future, Short Blog Post Today

Good Day, DareDevil Season 3 Mid-Season Thoughts, Stopping the Train

Busy Day, Caravan of Lazy People?, Bad Local People, Stupid Hilary Clinton

Jaw Pain, Irony in History, Don't Build Here

Decent Day, The Mandalorian, Fake Native American, Drug Makers Revealed, Stupid Lawyer

Venom Spoiler Review

Depressing Weather Day, Messed Up People, Kanye Visit, How I Really Feel, History Debunking

Alright Day, The Last Jedi Criticism, Stupid People on Twitter, Dow Problems, Update

Alright Day, The Black Death, Outbreaks, James Gunn News

Good Day, The Mandalorian, No Black Hole

Alright Day, Senate Vote Tomorrow, Rightful King or Queen, Good Jobs Numbers, Typhus Abound

Fine Day, Climate Change?, Oh No, Chinese Hackers

Good Day, History Post Meant For Yesterday, MCU Rumors, Stop This Crap, Big Money Guys and Girls

Good Day, Kennedy is Staying, Threats Can Help