Not As Much, Infinity War Embargo, President Trump Nobel?

Hello all, I hope your Sunday went well.  My was alright, did not get done what I wanted to but that was my fault for waking up later.  We usually never get everything done that we wanted to do but sometimes it all falls right and we get it all done and it feels great.  I have had that happen a few times in my life, even though I like to say it, even I am not perfect.  I wanted to get more cleaning done today, make more money on Uber and get some cards put online to sell but I fell short of that goal, oh well, there is always tomorrow.  A very wise man once said, "never do something today that you cannot put off until tomorrow, never do something tomorrow that you cannot put off indefinitely".  That very wise man was Mark Twain, he procrastinated a lot.  But he still got a lot of stuff done in his lifetime, he even predicted when he would die.  He came into this world when Halley's Comet went by Earth and declared that he would go out when it next passed by, and he did just a few days later but he was able to see it, this was in 1910.  So my take from all this, do as much as you are able, no reason to push yourself too hard, just enjoy life.  Anyway, let me get into this.

So it has been a few days since Infinity War has hit theaters across the world and it still remains under an embargo, meaning that you are not allowed to talk much about the movie, unless you give up spoilers for those that have not had the chance to see if for what ever reason.  I think that writing that spoiler-free review was very tough because you have to watch yourself from giving away too much and as a nerd I just want to talk to anyone and everyone about that great movie.  If you have seen it then please write me so I can talk with someone that I do not normally talk with about these movies.  I cannot say enough good things about this movie but it feels like a different kind of movie event than anything we have seen before.  So, message me so we can talk if you have seen it.  Time to get to other stuff.

President Trump recently had a rally in Michigan where his supporters were chanting the word "Nobel", meaning that the people want President Trump to be given the Nobel prize for Peace for his work in helping the two Koreas' come together.  I was not a fan of President Obama but I respected him since he was the dully elected president but I never understood how or why he was given a Peace Nobel Prize when he had not done anything to really earn that.  At least President Trump is doing work on getting North and South Korea to talks and they are really close to ending the Korean War.  The Korean War was never fully ended and the two countries are technically at war right now, all that was signed at the end of the original war was an armistice, not a peace treaty.  At least President Clinton had brought the Israelies and Palestinians together to talk, even though nothing really came of it.  President Obama did nothing even close to that, if anything you can say that he ramped up wars or that he signed the order to kill Americans overseas that are supposedly involved with terrorists without giving them a trial, as is their constitutional right.  And also, for those people that call President Trump a racist, give me a piece of factual evidence that he is racist, just one real provable fact if you can find one. 

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I hope you all have a great Sunday night, take care!


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