Moving Stuff, Troy: Fall of a City, Trade War

Hello everyone, I am back and I hope you all are well today.  Sorry about not writing yesterday as I was a little busy, I am such a slow unpacker.  There will still be stuff not unpacked around 9 months from now.  A friend of mine came over last night and helped me put things up on the wall, so it looks more like a home.  So, let me get into it.

One curse of being a big history nerd is that when you watch a historical movie or drama you always look for flaws.  I just started watching the show "Troy: Fall of a City" and I was only a few minutes in when the first mistake was blaring me in the face, people back then did not have white teeth like that.  White teeth was not a good thing, for lack of a better phrase at the time, they would use urine to color their teeth.  Yellow teeth were more prized in that time.  That happens a lot when there is a historical figure on screen.  White teeth are a recent thing, just like actual dentistry.  Also, when Paris/Alexander, has a fit while in Sparta and says we are leaving, pack the bags.  That is not a phrase that was used back then, pack the bags is another recent invention.  I have a very small problem with the types of pillows that are used in this story.  Unlike a lot of people on Twitter, I do not have that much of a problem with their being black characters where there probably should be white ones but I am a little upset about the portrayal of Achilles, who was the character play by Brad Pitt in the movie called Troy a few years back.  Achilles was, according to legend, the mightiest of all the fighters in Greece, along with some sidekicks like Ajax.  Ajax, at that time, had to be the coolest name to have, it is like a superhero name.  This story was adapted from a great book and story of its own but there is no way to adapt that story word for word.  If you get a chance, read those books of the Illiad and the Odyssey by Homer.  For the ancient world, the Trojan War must have seemed like the very first world war, since this brought together all the tribes, or at least most of them, from ancient Greece.  So, go check out the story from those too poems, pretty good stuff, although it can be hard to get through.

Now, onto a little bit of more current news.  There has been major talk about this supposed trade war with China, as if we do not have any other trade partners.  I understand that China holds most of our debt but there is one country that is not that far behind China, that is Japan.  Depending on what source you use Japan could be first.  But no matter what the currency of the United States is still the most influential currency in the world and is still the reserve currency of the world.  Basically what I am saying is that I am not worried if there is a trade war, it might be tough at first but it will be beneficial in the long run.

Well, that is all for me tonight.  I hope you all have a great day or night, take care.


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