Finally Back, New Police Station, Divided Country, But How Much, Violence Stuff, Reunion in Prison

Hey all, I am finally back, sorry for the delay but I am now all moved.  So, I am very wore out from lifting things, pushing a lot but am now fully into my new apartment at the Links of Columbia.  They have a golf course here but I am not a golfer or really like golf.  It is nice and I do not have to worry about a stupid roommate now and I think this will help me out in a lot of ways. Yes, I am very sore and hurting, I smashed my fingers and have bruises on my knees and legs but I am doing alright, just wish I had all of my pain meds.  The issue is that when I went to get them filled on the 22nd of March I was told that they did not have any fentynal because there was a nationwide recall of that brand.  So the pharmacy is going to try to order me a different brand name and see if that works.  I hope so, not sure what else to do really besides wait.  By the time the recall is over and they start sending out new stuff then I will probably get my refill on April 22nd.  Hope it gets figured out soon.  Time to get into it.

Today is a local day and have one thing I would like to speak on, the new Columbia police precinct.  A north station will be put in sometime in 2020 and I think it will help some since the north side is where most of the crime is happening.  Just not sure why it took this long.  I was surprised when I was watching the news this morning and they said it was only going to cost around $9 million, which is a lot cheaper than I thought it could be.  I hope this does help the crime in the north side of town soon.

It is not a huge speculation that this country is divided now because of certain issues, I am not going to debate those issues right now as I am going to talk about something that was said yesterday by the Governor of Colorado.  I cannot remember the exact quote but I remember it going something like this; 'this country is so divided right now, worse than it has ever been, even worse than during the Civil War'.  I know the left like to say things like that but this shows a complete lack of knowing pretty much anything when it comes to the history of this great country.  Not sure if he knows this but from 1861-1865 we fought a bloody Civil War, this war saw the largest loss of American lives ever since we were fighting ourselves.  This man needs a huge help with American history, that was a very feeble comment from a very feeble minded individual.  Really hope this man gets the help he needs, think there could be serious things going on inside his head and he should not be a public figure at all. 

We have been seeing a lot of stories lately about violence and a lot of the worst violence involves someone shooting a gun at others.  Now obviously this is a serious matter and I will treat it as such.  But the people out there that say guns are the problem are not looking hard enough for a reason or what happened to that person before they decided to shoot other people and take lives.  As I have believed for pretty much my whole life, this is not a problem with guns, this is a human problem.  An active shooter can be anyone, as the recent shootings at Youtube have proven, so to say that it is only white males with "assault rifles" is very off.  I had seen one tweet after the shooting from a democrat leftist that said, 'if this is not a right wing terrorist I will eat my hat', that posting was taken down by the user because he was way off on that.  Also, the female that was the shooter did not use what people have called an "assault rifle".  I still have not had anyone from the left explain what an "assault rifle" is.  Almost anything can be turned into an assault weapon.  Recently I just looked at a very sad story where a mother had taken her young sons head off with a knife.  If there is someone that wants to do harm, they will find a way, be it a gun, a knife, a hammer or letter opener.  If they have that much hate in their heart then things might get bad real quick if steps are not taken to help that person that is hating so much.  Recently, Missouri has helped to enact laws that would treat mental disorders just the same as physical disorders.  Putting those on a level playing field will hopefully help a big number of people.  Remember that it takes a person to pull the trigger on a gun.

Well, here is a kind of positive story to end on, the Menendez brothers, who killed their parents finally reunited in prison for first time since trial back in 1989.  That was a long time ago, forgot about that for a little bit.  So I guess this is a more positive thing to end on.  It is always good to get a reunion, even in prison.

Well, that is all for me today.  I will probably start writing my posts earlier in the day from now on, not sure if I will keep to this time or not though.  I sincerely hope that you all have a great day or night, take care. 


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