Good Day, Predictions Gone Wrong, Troy Problems

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing great this night!  So my day has been alright, I was finally able to get my fetanyl filled.  Main problem is though that I really have not felt much relief.  When I got it I was at a 20 pain, now I'm at maybe 19.5, using my own pain scale.  Oh well, just stuff I have to deal with.  Anyway, I did some Uber rides today and made some good money, one ride was almost $15 and then he tipped me $7.50.  He was a real nice man I took to his doctors appointment.  Went on a few roads I have not been on before, that's always fun.  So that was my day, mostly, so let me get to it.

It's a history day, so I found something to talk about.  After this I will talk a little more about that show, Troy: Fall of a City.  First I would like to talk about predictions, mostly ones that were pretty far off.  These were science predictions.  We have all heard about people that didn't think the computer or the internet would be big because there supposedly was not any money in those things.  I think it should be remembered who said what a long time ago, little before I was born.  One of the worst was Lord Kelvin, a man known for a lot of notable works in the field of science was not so hot when it came to predictions.  One thing he thought was a fad were X-Rays, calling them "X-Rays are a hoax".  He also was not big on the future of the radio when it was first created by Marconi, I think that radio was one of the biggest inventions of all time since it gave us so many other forms of communication.  So it is important to remember that even though someone may be a smart scientist type person, they are not always right. 

The next point I have about that Troy show is that for some reason there are people out there calling for a second season, I think these people do not know the story of the city of Troy, it has a definite ending and from the title everyone should know what happens.  The only thing they could possibly have a second season about is the travels of Odysseus, who was cursed for some reason by Poseidon, the God of the Seas.  Now that is a great story but I am not sure if Netflix can pull it off. 

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I sincerely hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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