Political Stuff Part One

I am back again, this time I am going to write about something everyone will have some problem with, politics.  No matter if you are conservative or liberal or somewhere in between, you probably will not agree with everything I have to say.  That is alright because in this great country we can disagree with each other and nobody here will suffer any real consequences.  No matter how you look at the race for the president in 2016, there is something everyone does not like.  On one side you have a candidate that is hard to trust and on the other you have someone that talks without much of a filter. So lets get to it.  By the way, before we begin I would like to state that I am not telling who I am supporting, I will let you try to decide.  Also, I am not going to be writing of every policy directive each candidate has proposed, just the ones that I have read about or heard a speech.  So, have fun everyone.

So first, for no particular reason, I will start with the GOP candidate, Donald Trump.  This is someone who is liked by everyone.  That was obviously a joke.  I do not remember a candidate that was more hated by people.  I was born in 1979 so I do not have a huge amount of experience.  I have only been following and voting in presidential elections since 2000, that was the first time I was eligible to vote in a presidential election.  Every serious candidate from one of the two major parties has always been a politician, since I have been able to vote.  There have been non politicians that ran but it was only through one of the smaller parties and that person was only able to get a small portion of the vote.  Donald Trump is the first significant non politician to win nomination from one of the two big parties.  So that is something very big, even if you don't want to admit it, and there is a chance that our next president could not be a politician, that is huge.  Usually people do not like major change that quick so I believe that is why he is not liked by so many people.  Since this has happened maybe we will get more non politicians running for office, I think that would ultimately be good for the country.  I personally do not trust politicians, wouldn't it be nice if you could finally trust them again, like in the olden days.    I am not saying that all politicians are bad, only a very high majority.  So I believe that Donald Trump running is not a bad thing.  Donald Trump, who I will refer to as just Trump from now on, is very controversial because he say things that get under peoples skin, a lot of Americans do not want a president like that.  To which I say, would you rather have a president who lies to you or would rather not tell you the full truth, just what they think would sound good.  Someone we can trust would be more beneficial than someone like Hillary Clinton who has a bad habit of lying to get what she wants.  I do not believe that she is trustworthy at all and will say what she has to be said to make it into the White House.  Anyway, I'm getting away from what I want to talk about.  Now, on to Trump's policies.  Trump is a business man, to whatever degree you believe, and I do not think that running the country like a business is not such a bad idea.  I do not believe that President Obama's policies on domestic matters have helped the recovery very well and maybe this is what the country needs to get back on track.  One thing I think that Trump could help with is getting jobs back over here in America and put Americans into those jobs.  One of the worst things I have seen in this country in my lifetime is all the jobs that moved overseas because the companies can make more profit.  We really need to bring those jobs back to American shores where our people can get back to work.  In my own hometown there was a place that had hundreds of employees that just up and moved to Mexico, I know that is not overseas but it is out of this county.  That is one of the first things that need to be done by whoever becomes president, bring the jobs back.  Another thing I have not liked since it was forced on us, the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.  This is one of those things that is a great idea to give everyone health insurance but it was applied wrong.  If Hilary is elected she will just continue with the ACA like normal, but I do not think that is a good strategy.  Trump will like to replace the ACA with a more open market system, which is good because the ACA keeps losing insurance companies.  A big thing that Trump wants to implement if elected is a border wall and he wants Mexico to pay for the wall.  I do not know the specifics but I do not think that Mexico will pay for that.  But anyway I do think we need to secure our southern border with Mexico.  More enforcement is what I believe is needed.  So, that is it for what I want to write about for Trump, now on to Hilary Clinton.

So, first off I want to say that I was a fan of her husband, Bill Clinton, as president.  But Hillary Clinton is no Bill.  Bill was a smooth talker that no matter what he was saying or the subject, he made you feel good about it, usually.  He never had to use a teleprompter to give a speech or talk to reporters.  On to some of the things that Hillary stands for, which is basically to extend the President Obama policies.  From what I have heard and read about what she stands for, most of it will just be an extension of the previous 8 years.  I do not believe that would be good for America because this "economic recovery" we are in right now is not really working.  The GDP only grew at 1.2 percent last year.  Some of you think, at least it was 1.2 and not lower.  But to that I say, why shoot so low.  I think America can work to get back up to 3 or more percent GDP growth a year.  We can and will do better that 1.2 percent.  I do not believe much of anything that comes out of her mouth.  Every time she is questioned about something as important as her email scandal she always replies that she cannot recall.  Do we really want a president that cannot recall past events.  If she has that much trouble then maybe she should get checked out by a doctor, she may have underlying issues.  She does not really care or is able to know what the average American goes through on a daily basis.  When the Clintons were leaving the White House she said in an interview that they were dead broke and did not have a place to live.  I cannot beleive that she could say something like that, they both make millions from book sales alone.  So I just do not trust her at all.  I am not saying that Trump has any better idea what an average American goes through but he has not said something that dumb before.  Overall, I am not a fan of her for president.

So, this is the end of the first installment, be back soon.


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