Congressional pay rant
Ok, I hope some of you read those links I provided about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I thought they were done really well so as not to show any bias. As most of you know, the first presidential debate of 2016 is tonight, what are you betting on? I meant that in the way that there are a lot of people out there betting on who will say what, what the candidates will wear to questions that they will be asked. I'm not a betting man and probably will not watch the whole debate, probably just read about it tomorrow. I hope they stick to the real issues instead of created issues, I mean that as issues that are basically made up whole cloth by either the candidates or the party or media. Hopefully there is not a question about a certain celebrity break up, I am not saying which one because I really do not care, that is a personal issue. So anyway, talk about the economy, how to make it work better, debate about real substance and not sound bites. Hopefully they do not veer too far but I really do not have high expectations.
I read a really good article today from Esquire titled "4 Men with 4 Very Different Incomes Open Up About the Lives They Can Afford". It is very informative, it covers income ranges of $1,000,000; $250,000; $53,000; a man on the poverty line. Probably the biggest thing I took from the article is that there were two people who worried about their finances the most, the "rich man" and the man on the poverty line. I think it is completely stupid of politicians when they draw the line at $250,000 as a line between middle and upper class. Most of these politicians do not know what it is like to be the man living the poverty line because quite a few of them came from wealthier homes and a lot have never had a job where they had to live paycheck to paycheck, if they had a job at all. There is too much of a line between the halves and have nots in this country. I am not a socialist that thinks we need to 'spread the wealth around'. For people that are wealthier, good for them, most of them worked at making themselves comfortable, as always there are some that didn't get that way honestly. There is actually a representative from Virginia that says $174,000 yearly salary is not enough to live on, $174,000 is the amount congress people make yearly. I would not know what to do with a quarter of that amount a year. I would love to see one of them make it on what the median household income of Americans, which is about $53,657, according to census data for 2016. So I believe that the members of Congress are way overpaid, I think they shouldn't even get paid half of what they make now, I certainly do not think they should be able to get a pension for being a member of Congress. It is not a job or work or a career, it is supposed to be civil service. That is they way it was before members of Congress got around to paying themselves absurd amounts of money. Maybe they should get paid according to how their approval ratings are, maybe then they will do some actual work for the American people, like they are supposed to. I could write a whole lot more on this topic but I should probably stop or my blood pressure will get to high.
Enough about that, it really gets me worked up. Hope you all enjoyed the writings for 9/26/2016. Take care and have a good night, or day.
I read a really good article today from Esquire titled "4 Men with 4 Very Different Incomes Open Up About the Lives They Can Afford". It is very informative, it covers income ranges of $1,000,000; $250,000; $53,000; a man on the poverty line. Probably the biggest thing I took from the article is that there were two people who worried about their finances the most, the "rich man" and the man on the poverty line. I think it is completely stupid of politicians when they draw the line at $250,000 as a line between middle and upper class. Most of these politicians do not know what it is like to be the man living the poverty line because quite a few of them came from wealthier homes and a lot have never had a job where they had to live paycheck to paycheck, if they had a job at all. There is too much of a line between the halves and have nots in this country. I am not a socialist that thinks we need to 'spread the wealth around'. For people that are wealthier, good for them, most of them worked at making themselves comfortable, as always there are some that didn't get that way honestly. There is actually a representative from Virginia that says $174,000 yearly salary is not enough to live on, $174,000 is the amount congress people make yearly. I would not know what to do with a quarter of that amount a year. I would love to see one of them make it on what the median household income of Americans, which is about $53,657, according to census data for 2016. So I believe that the members of Congress are way overpaid, I think they shouldn't even get paid half of what they make now, I certainly do not think they should be able to get a pension for being a member of Congress. It is not a job or work or a career, it is supposed to be civil service. That is they way it was before members of Congress got around to paying themselves absurd amounts of money. Maybe they should get paid according to how their approval ratings are, maybe then they will do some actual work for the American people, like they are supposed to. I could write a whole lot more on this topic but I should probably stop or my blood pressure will get to high.
Enough about that, it really gets me worked up. Hope you all enjoyed the writings for 9/26/2016. Take care and have a good night, or day.