More wheelchair stuff
Ever since getting in a wheelchair I do not like to consider myself as "disabled". That term is better than the others you could use but I think it doesn't apply to everyone that has some form of handicap, I know some guys and girls that are in wheelchairs that do so much more than any able body person can do. Recently, a friend of mine who is in a wheelchair won the gold medal at the Rio Paralympics in wheelchair basketball. It was an amazing feet and I congratulate him for this display. For him I do not think the term "disabled" applies. But he is a very humble person, me not so much. There are some times like when I am grocery shopping that able body people can really annoy me. For the ones that read this blog and know me, they know that I do like to move fast because that is something I can do pretty well. Whenever I am at the grocery store, I have one hand on the cart and the other is pushing my chair. It is pretty sad that I can move much better than most able bodies in the store and I have even had a person come up to me asking me how I can navigate the store like that. I gave that person my usual line, I've had a lot of practice. My friends can attest that I say that quite a bit. Now I do not have as much experience as some people do since I got in the chair at 24. A lot of people I know have been in a chair for the majority of their lives so, in that case, I consider myself a newbie in a way. I spent mostly 24 years of my life walking just like most of you, I could even jump or skip. I know this will sound dumb but there have been times where I feel like I am not really a part of the disabled community, that my reason for using a chair was not "real". Like I said, I know that sounds weird, sometimes I feel like I am not even part of that community even though I cannot use my legs to power me going from one place to another. I am not sure what that would even be from, I think I should probably bring that up with my psych next time I see her. I am sure she can get to the bottom of it.
So, is there anything any of you would like for me to talk about? I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments. I am done for tonight, it's bedtime early for me again. Anyway, I hope you all have a great night. Be back tomorrow.
So, is there anything any of you would like for me to talk about? I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments. I am done for tonight, it's bedtime early for me again. Anyway, I hope you all have a great night. Be back tomorrow.