Two Jobs to Choose From, Short War, Deadliest Cities in America, Terrible Shooting

 Hey all, I hope your having a great day!  So my day went alright, even though I skipped the gym today, felt like I needed a day off.  Days off are just as important as days you make it into the gym.  Didn't do a whole lot today, watched the boys a little longer today than usual.  By the end of the day I was ready to pull my hair out, if I had any hair.  Tomorrow I have another phone interview with a local place here in Columbia called Veterans United Home Loans.  I've heard real good things about working here and did a little research on the place, I think I would like working there.  So pretty soon I might have to choose between the job at that bank and this new opportunity, it's never bad to have that sort of problem.  One thing is the bank job starts at $13.00/hr. and you have to work from home, I haven't found out exactly how much the Veterans United job starts at yet but I'll find that out tomorrow.  I will keep you all updated.  So anyway, time to get into it!

History Day!  Today for the history post I'm going to talk about one of the shortest wars in history, probably the shortest where one side was absolutely dominant.  I'm talking about the Six Day War between Israel taking on the combined forces of Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and help from Saudi Arabia.  This war was famous for making the world take notice of Israel, that they were extremely good at this war thing and we probably shouldn't mess with them.  The webpage I'm going to add goes into some of what led up to the war but it was so convoluted that there is almost no way to get everything.  Of course being Israel against it's Arab neighbors most will think of the religious differences and that is a big issue but there are bigger things that are involved and religion barely makes the top three in most of the wars that have been fought between the two sides.  One of the largest reasons, and I'm glad they mention it in the article, is the fight over water rights.  That has been there since day one of Jewish people coming to live in the land called Palestine, even before there was an Israel.  Even though they do not go into a lot of detail about the water crisis, this page is still good.  Here it is;

Here is something I found on one of my favorite websites, Listverse, giving a top 10 list of "Deadliest Cities in America".  The person who wrote this list started each entry with the cities population and who the mayor is and what political party that person is with and it's no surprise that every one of these 10 cities are run by democrats.  The stats that the writer focuses on is from the FBI and I am not going to say that it is right or wrong but I think it is pretty close.  Missouri, the state which I live in, is in a unique position on this list by having two cities in here, St. Louis and Kansas City.  We have heard for a very long time that St. Louis was always in the running for the city in the country with the most homicides, even though Chicago is biting at their heels.  For about the past 20 years St. Louis has been in the top three of shooting deaths for the country with Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans being in the running too.  Overall in America violent crime is down but in many larger cities they have seen a spike in violent crime over the last 6 or 7 months.  These cities that want to get off the list of the deadliest cities in the country should try to do something different like elect a republican or libertarian mayor or even changing your governor.  Cause a few of these cities also have democrats running things higher up.  Anyway, here is that list;

This is heartbreaking, for a few different reasons, first a 13 year old child was shot without cause and the response by the police in this situation towards mental health issues.  I do not know what would have made the officers pull their weapons out, didn't they think of any other way to subdue the young man instead of shooting him.  Luckily he survived and is recovering in hospital, hope everything comes out alright.  I know this may not mean as much but I hope that kid gets paid by suing the city for doing that.  Here is an article about this;

Well, that's all for me on this Tuesday night.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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