Alright Day, Too Much Hatred, Wasn't Man Made, Rant About Bad Drivers, Don't Want The Police But Now They Are Needed, Needs to be Taught Better or Something

 Hey there everyone, I hope your day is going great!  My day has been pretty good, I got to help the older boy with his school work, that was very eye-opening for me.  He did pretty well and we made it to every class on time through Zoom.  Then I hung out with the boys and the mom at the library and we got the kids library cards, so that's cool, let's see how long it takes for them to lose them.  One thing wasn't as good, the bad drivers around here, I almost got pushed off the road by someone that wasn't paying attention and I almost got hit by just coming out of the grocery store.  The lady had a window down and I spit my gum in the open window, that's what you get.  So I wrote a nice little rant down there about this, it's been really bad the last few weeks.  So, let me get into it!

MCU Day!  No matter who the character is, if a person is being considered for a role of a superhero nobody will agree with the actor cast at first.  The first time I ever witnessed this was when people just hated the casting of Michael Keaton for Batman.  Now Keaton is considered one of the best actors to play the character.  The hatred was so high for when Heath Ledger was cast as Joker for Christopher Nolan Dark Knight trilogy and Ledger's performance is considered one of the top villains in film ever, even beating out Darth Vader.  So Marvel is going to have to cast a new Wolverine and no matter who it is they will be hated.  I have always been of the mind to wait and see what happens, if it is a bad performance then I won't like the casting if that was the problem.  I predicted a year ago or so that I thought Taron Egerton would make a good Wolverine.  The page I found that talks about this, I agree with their top three, which was Egerton, Scott Eastwood and Zac Efron, I think those three could do a great job.  In a way I want them to go after an actor that we really haven't seen much of, kind of like Hugh Jackman in the first X-Men film, he didn't really have a lot of U.S. film credits to his name before that role.  I am sure that Feige will pick someone good for the role, can't wait to see what happens.  Here is that page;

I want to make this clear, I am not calling this person a liar, I just don't believe everything that she is talking about.  This is about a Chinese virologist has said before that coronavirus was made in a lab under the orders of the Chinese government.  Now I don't put anything bad past the Chinese government but I don't think this was made in a lab.  One of the biggest reasons why I don't think it was is because this virus doesn't kill as well as somebody would expect.  This only really will kill someone that is above the age of 70 or if you have other medical problems.  If they did make it in a lab then somebody messed up and made this way too weak.  What I believe about the starting of this virus is that it came from a wild animal, maybe a bat, and it somehow crossed from wild animal to human, which they didn't think could happen.  There should still have been some safeguards put in place, just in case it could cross to humans, seeing as how this has been known about and studied since 1965.  Here is an article on it;

Just a rant here, something I need to talk about.  I really wish people would learn how to drive properly around here.  Not saying that I am the best driver but at least I pay attention and notice everything around me and I don't play with my phone while driving.  One reason why I cannot play with my phone while driving is that I use hand controls and both my hands are busy but you shouldn't use your phone while driving as it slows down your reaction time, you take three seconds longer when getting off the line at stoplights (I know because I have timed this happening) and you could get in a serious wreck and really mess yourself up or mess up somebody else.  Life is actually pretty easy, as long as you pay attention to what you are doing and how it affects others.  Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone else out there that is as courteous as I am, never really know.  So, glad I got that off my chest.

If  people were not getting hurt or killed and others feeling like there is not any help, it would be funny.  The left wanting to get rid of the police is biting them in the ass up in Minneapolis, who voted to defund the police department and instead install something called the Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention.  This is blowing up in their faces and I feel for the people that are police officers in Minneapolis because it is hard to say what to do.  I really don't know how I would feel if I was an officer up there because it seems as if you are not good enough for the city.  Of course, about all factors of crime have gone up and that's not surprising.  Here is an article on this;

This is very depressing, a new survey commissioned by Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany claims that there are way too many younger people that know nothing about WWII and the Holocaust and what happened during that time and why we need to remember this so it doesn't happen ever again.  That's one of the main reasons we learn history in school, so we don't make the same mistakes again.  The numbers that they give for what people don't know is horrendous, there are too many that think the Jews were the ones who started the Holocaust which makes zero sense, a large number don't think that 6 million Jews died during this time.  One of the most stunning things revealed that 28% think that it is alright to hold Neo-Nazi ideas, that should be very frightening considering that most of these people 18-39 are liberals.  Hope we can learn from this, here is the article;

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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