Cooler Weather, American Mysteries, I Think This is a Good Move, Different Type of Chicken Sandwich, Bald is Beautiful, Using up All the Names
Hello there all, I hope your Friday is going great! So my day was alright, this cooler weather has taken me a little by surprise. Normally we do not get much of a fall season, over the last so many years we seemed to have just summer and winter, no autumn and no spring, sometimes we would get those two seasons for maybe two weeks at a time but nothing long lasting. This cooler weather we have been having for about the last two weeks around here is making me think something bad will happen with winter, like we will get a record snowfall or it will be a lot colder than normal. Neither one of those sound good to me and hope it's a good winter. Guess we will wait to see. So anyway, let me get into it!
Potluck Day! I don't want to speak for everyone out there but most of us love a good mystery. So when a woman tells you on a dating site that she hates drama, she is not telling it 100, as the kids say. I found a list of 10 mysteries from America that still haunt people to this day. I fully believe that there is a plethora of happenings and events that cannot be totally understood by humans and likely we are not supposed to know the real truth behind some of these mysteries. So I'll talk about two of them here, the first listing has a short video attached and it sounds pretty crazy. The video shows a car loosing control and running off the cliff. The mysterious thing about this is that the car and people have never showed up, even by divers going down to look, there is nothing there. That's crazy stuff. Next one has to do with a man in Pittsburgh that was in possession of two computers and a bunch of tapes supposedly from NASA. As if on cue NASA said that the tapes and the computers were not theirs but I don't think many people in this country believe that one. Of course this gives fire to conspiracy theorist since we learned many years ago about the tapes of the moon landing were lost, could these tapes been the ones we all were searching for, did it expose something bad at NASA or the government in general, we will never know since the tapes and computers were destroyed. Well, here is that list from Listverse;
I applaud this move, it's a way to get the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) more out of the lives of American people. I for one do not use TikTok or WeChat or even know much about it, I know that TikTok is for music and dancing and I have no clue what WeChat even is and I don't wanna know. It is going to be hard to explain this to a younger boy or girl that likes using TikTok, they really won't be able to understand why it is not allowed now. That app allows the CCP another avenue to get into the American public and possibly spread their message, which in a lot of ways is hate. So good job, here is an article on it;
I do like to report on new foods that are coming to fast food places but I'm not too hyped up about this one I'll share here. Chick-Fil-A, who I'm not a huge fan of, is testing out a new chicken sandwich, a pimento cheese fried chicken sandwich to be more precise. I'll be honest, it made me cringe a little just reading that, not sure if that is the best bet. Oh well, maybe it'll be good and maybe it won't, I know I won't be trying it even though I do like to try the new fast food offerings. Maybe you all will like it and if you do try it let me know what you think. Here is an article on that;
Just a short one here, sometimes being bald is great and there are plenty of A-list actors that would agree with you. As a lot of you already know, I shave my head, so I'm not naturally bald by losing my hair. My hair isn't so great when it grows out and I think this is a good look for me. I found a page of actors back when they had a full head of hair and I think they look better without anything growing out of their scalp. A few of them look like completely different people. In the last week I have been called 28 or 30 years old and I take that as a great compliment, I call it the Bruce Willis effect. He is older but doesn't look it because of his bare head. Here is that list;
It's been a very active year when it comes to sea storms, as of earlier today the people that are charged with naming storms in the Atlantic ran out of names in the English language and have now turned to the Greek alphabet for just the second time in recorded history. I did a little bit of research and naming storms started in the mid 16th century but really picked up steam in the 1830's and was forgotten about for a bit until after WWII. In 1953 female names were to start being used. With using the Greek alphabet there can be 45 named storms, not real sure if we will get that far though this year. I tried to find this but I'm not sure I could find the answer even if I take a few days to research it but I was wondering if more fatalities have come from male or female named storms. I think it would be interesting. Here is an article o it;
Well, that's it for me this week. I really do hope that each of you have a fabulous weekend, take care and stay safe!