Surgery Tomorrow, Terrible Time in The United State of America, Really Don't Like to Talk About This Person

 Hey there everyone, I hope things are going great!  My day was good, I got my smart drive for my wheelchair today and I really like it, I think it will help me out a lot.  It came with a smart watch as another way to control it but I'm sure I will figure it out.  Now tomorrow I have to have that small surgery where they are going to look down my throat to see why I was having trouble swallowing.  Won't take too long, it just takes forever before you get back there.  They want me in at 6:30 and I'll be lucky to make it back by 10, don't know why they do that.  It's alright though.  So now let me get into it!

History Day!  So, some people like to voice their concern on Twitter or Facebook that America is actually limiting peoples freedom but here is an example of a time that was much worse than now, there was another one a long time ago in the early 1800's and this one happened in the early 20th century.  The Espionage and Sedition acts of 1917 and 1918 were very heavy handed, the government would arrest anyone basically talking bad about the country.  One of the people that really wanted to get this passed was a president that I really am not a fan of, Woodrow Wilson.  The Espionage Act gave crazy power to the Postmaster General where he could block any shipment if the person was deemed to have a leaning towards Germany.  That was a lot worse than what may be happening now with the postal service.  It was a clear violation of free speech and I'm glad that isn't happening now.  Here is a story about it;

I didn't read this article and am not going to waste my time with it, it just goes to show how much of hypocrite Lebron James is.  He recently paid $36.8 million for Katherine Hepburn's old home in Beverly Hills.  I say hypocrite because he tries hard to act like a "normal" person.  So if you think he is just like us, remember that he made most of those millions off the backs of slave labor in China.  Here is the article;

Well everyone, that's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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