Didn't Get the Job, More Crazy Conspiracy Theories, Some People Do Not Deserve to be Parents, Don't Fire Gina Carano, No Leaders, "Experts" Wrong Again

 Hey there everyone, hope things are going great!  So my day was alright except for the Prius that tried to run me off the road, stay off your cellphone while driving people, it's not that hard.  Also, I didn't get that job with Simmons bank, they sent me an email and of course they did not put a reason why and I'm starting to make up theories in my head.  I normally do not tell potential employers that I am in a wheelchair until we actually meet so I have to keep that secret from them a l little longer now since everything is done over the phone or the internet.  I did tell the lady that I am in a wheelchair during our video call, she couldn't see the chair but it just came up during conversation.  Hope it's not because of that thought.  Well, guess I'll keep looking.  So let me get into it now!

Conspiracy Day!  So this list I found has a few conspiracies I've talked about or were on a page I added but it does have a couple of new ones.  First one I want to write about is the second one of the list, about a conspiracy that Snapchat adds your photo to a federal government database.  I can certainly buy this conspiracy as I wouldn't put it past either Snapchat, Facebook or the government from doing something like this.  If you remember not too long ago there was an app that was all the rage that took pics of your face to make you look older but this company that created the app is Russian and that by using the app all your photos are now owned by the Russian government.  I thought it was hilarious, because those pics were all over Facebook when that first came out but nobody read the fine print in the terms and conditions, funny stuff really.  I have always thought the Philadelphia Experiment, I thought it was absolutely fascinating, probably one of the cooler experiments the government has done.  It has widely been debunked as a hoax but I think there was more to it.  Obviously there was something being done on October 28, 1943.  Don't worry, we weren't too busy at this time so the military decided on trying something out that may have helped end both ends of WWII quicker.  I know there was a movie made about this back in 1984 but I think we need something done now because we have the right kind of tech to make really cool things happen.  Get on it Hollywood!  Here is that page; https://www.buzzfeed.com/annakopsky/hello-fbi-agent-in-my-laptop-camera

It's terrible what these people did in this article, I'm not going to say their names because I don't want to give them more publicity.  What happened was, some adults gave weed to a 3 year old and that little kid was taught to smoke it.  It was up on a social media website and I hope these "adults" get the book thrown at them for basically ruining a small child before they can grow up to make their own decisions.  There are some really horrible people in this world.  I'm going to add the article, don't want my blood pressure to go up anymore than it already is; https://www.yahoo.com/news/3-old-seen-smoking-weed-215840904.html

I didn't read the article for this and I don't think I need to as the title says it all.  People who are too offended by everything are calling for Disney to fire Gina Carano for some things that she said on social media.  There are two reasons why I think Disney should keep her, the first and most important reason is, we are supposed to live in a free country where you can say what you want as long as it doesn't incite violence no matter how derogatory it is, this is just her beliefs.  And second because she is great as her character on the show and I want to see her continue it.  Here is that article if you feel that you need to read it; https://www.yahoo.com/news/critics-calling-disney-fire-mandalorian-165331955.html

I feel sorry for the people of the city of Minneapolis because they don't seem to have any real leadership in the city.  I also feel sorry for the police officers because they are between a rock and a hard place, they are hated if they do their jobs and blamed for the rise in violence when they don't do their jobs, the city council cannot make up their minds.  Here is a video talking about this; https://www.yahoo.com/news/minneapolis-city-council-blames-police-123311855.html

This was a pretty big story and it looks like the "experts" got it wrong.  Heard about this on the radio, a few weeks ago was the Sturgis rally, where a bunch of motorcycle loving guys and girls get together in South Dakota.  I've heard people call it an older persons spring break, I've never been so I don't know for sure what happens up there.  But before, during and after the rally you had all these so called "experts" saying that this was going to be the biggest super-spreader event in the country.  The leftists were coming out saying that there could be as high as 300,000 Covid cases up there in the days following the event.  I think it's funny as hell that there have now been as low as 88 cases out of 460,000 people that showed up to the rally.  Of course the people that put out the first study about the cases at Sturgis are from california, they are not going to report it the right way.  This study isn't even peer reviewed, meaning that nobody wants to stand behind it in case it all blows up in their faces and I think it has.  Also, these so called righteous people will not come out to apologize for getting it wrong because they don't seem to have a spine.  Here is an article on it; https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-post-online-misstates-184141092.html

That is it for me tonight.  I really hope that each of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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