Still Sleepy, What's Next for Star Wars, Gun Control Myths List

Hey there all, I hope your week is starting out good!  First off, sorry for not writing on Friday, I'm very sleepy a lot lately since I haven't been sleeping well.  I've only been getting a few hours every night for the last week.  Not good for a person with Addison's Disease, I talked to one of my endocrinologists today and they said I should probably take a little more of my hydrocortisone because the body is in a lot of stress.  Also, it sucks cause my body doesn't create cortisol which is something that helps you deal with stress.  Hoping I get some sleep tonight, a full 8 hours would be nice.  Today has been pretty good, the weather was great here and the weather is supposed to be nice the next few days too.  The high here broke 60 degrees, I was driving around with the windows down and no coat or hoodie on.  Sometimes I wish I had the money to take winter off in Australia.  I don't need snow for Christmas.  So anyway, let me get to it!

Star Wars Day!  Spoilers ahead, this is your only warning!  Found a good article on an unlikely place, Popular Mechanics.  It talks a lot about what Star Wars will look like without the Skywalker family.  There might be other Skywalkers that could show up in later movies since Rey took the Skywalker name at the end of The Rise of Skywalker.  So we could see a child from her.  But I think the way they need to go is the Old Republic era, use characters from the Knights of the Old Republic like Revan and Malek.  I would also love to see some older Sith show up like Darth Nilhilus who had one of the coolest force powers of all time where he could drain all the life force from a planet and destroy that planet.  I think Keanu Reeves would be great to play Revan, maybe Kevin Feige will put him into a movie finally.  But I think that they have proved that you can have Star Wars without the Skywalker family.  Look at Rebels, Rogue One and Solo, even though we don't talk about that last one much.  Also the Mandalorian is a hit, especially with the Baby Yoda, at least that's the only name I have for it, but it is precious.  Anyway, here is that article,

There was a top 10 list put on the Listverse site I'd like to talk about.  I was not in agreement with much of it, there were a few good points but that's it.  I'll talk about a few of the points in the post and then I'll add the page.  First one, number 9, the author of the list is saying that the second amendment was not meant for everyone to own firearms.  The founding fathers were very big on individual liberties and knew that a well armed populace was the best defense against a tyrannical government, not just a militia, which is basically what is the National Guard of every state.  So I'm obviously against that one.  The writer argues that criminals will follow gun control laws, which is patently not true, they are criminals after all.  If we as citizens are told we have to turn our guns in then the law abiding ones of us will do that but the gangs and other criminals won't.  So that means that the only people that will have guns would be the criminals and the government.  Who couldn't see how that would go.  There was one that I agreed with, the last one.  It talks about how people think that gun violence is rising, it's actually falling.  The high point of gun violence was during 1993.  One reason why people think it's rising is that they hear about it so much on the news but it's just getting reported more often now.  Well, here is the page so you can make up your own mind;

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a great day or night.  Also, I won't be posting Tuesday or Wednesday but will be back on Thursday. 


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