Really Tired, What if Christianity Never Existed?, Homeless Solution?, More Bitching

Hey there everyone, hope the end of your week is going great!  My day has been alright but I didn't sleep really well last night and ended up waking at 4:30 am this morning.  So I will probably leave this opening part short.  I hope you all liked the prologue to my book I posted last weekend, I had a lot of views on it.  I am thinking about just posting it on Facebook so that everyone can read it and comment on it.  Now I do have some people on Facebook that have known me for my whole life that already know some of this stuff but it's still cool to read anyway.  I think I am getting closer to figuring out how I will publish my autobiography early next year.  I should be done with everything by the end of this year.  I'm pretty pumped about that, finally almost done.  Well, let me go get to it!

Alternate History Day!  Here is an alternate history scenario that is pretty controversial, what if Christianity never existed.  The world would be totally different from what we know of the world as it is today.  But if Christianity never rose up as a major religion then you have to replace it with a different religion, what would win out at that time.  Well, Rome was the biggest major player at that time in the west so their Roman Gods and what we know as mythology would be the one to take over, except for places like China and east Asia.  Since there are many different Gods to follow and worship then I think Europe would be split into different areas or tribes, one group would follow Jupiter, another would follow Juno and so on.  There is roughly 12 main Gods in Romes ancient religion so there would be roughly 12 different "tribes" and they would fight to the death to show whose God was the main or only real God.  I think this would be much worse than what we have now and in history with Christianity.  Yes, there may be thousands of different denominations for Christianity but they are not as blood hungry as what these different "tribes" would be against each other.  This fighting would continue for centuries until there would be some sort of "peace" where they could live side by side but this would take a very long time.  All this infighting would stunt growth in other areas such as scientific knowledge and would also not allow for as much exploring as in our timeline.  So then North and South America would be "discovered" by Europeans much later than what we know.  There would still be proselytizing by the different sects of Roman religions with the native populations of the New World like in our timeline.  In all, I think this would have put our society way behind what it is in our current timeline.  All the infighting might even lead to a lower world population so we probably wouldn't even be close to the over 7 billion people we have now.  If you would like to debate me about this then that's cool, my inbox is always open.  Here is a video by Alternate History Hub that paints things a little different than what I just put out there.

Well, this is one way to tackle the homeless problem in a big city, put them on a cruise ship.  I haven't read the article yet, just the title but I don't think they will send the ship on voyage but just leave it anchored in habor but I'm not positive.  They didn't fully say in the article if they would send the ship out or not but I don't think they would, that would cost way too much.  The homeless problem in many of these california cities is very untenable anyway, this might be a small fix for it.  They actually counted up the homeless population in Oakland and they came up with over 4,700 and they said they could fit up to 1,000 people.  How would they choose who goes on the ship and how would they take care of the people there.  Security would be a problem and then you have the health problem that housing that many people in a confined space for awhile would cause, so that would need to be dealt with.  So that would make this proposal a lot more expensive than they thought it would.  Also, I assume they would feed these people or would they make them go out and rummage through dumpsters or something, that's another cost.  Not sure if they have really thought this out but it's a decent idea, better than nothing.  Something does need to be done with the homeless problem, it's growing worse all over the country.  Here is that article;

Of course the Untied States of America is the one country being blamed for problems like this stupid COP25 climate talks at the U.N., who I think is a useless organization anyway.   They want to blame the US when it is countries like India and China that pollute the most, America has done the most to lower our greenhouse gases over the last 10 years than any other country in the Paris Agreement.  So to blame America is a little short sided.  I don't really want to talk so much about this so I will just add the article that talks about this;

Well, that's all for me this week.  I really hope that all of you have a great weekend, be back on Monday, take care!


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