Not So WIndy, Where Did Both Sides of the Political Spectrum Come From, Caught in the Act

Hey there guys, hope your day is going great!  My day was pretty good and at least the weather was a little nicer today than it was yesterday.  The wind was horrible yesterday, it cut right through you and chilled you to the bone.  It was cold today but there really wasn't any wind so it was a lot better and plus the sun was shining so it was a little warmer when in the sun versus being in the shade.  But the really cold weather is on it's way, the first day of winter is coming up soon.  I hope we get a few good days where it really freezes so that way it kills a lot of these bugs so it won't be as bad during the summer.  Had a good workout again at the gym, tried to do a few new things but my knees weren't working real good.  It happens once or twice a month were my knees just don't operate the way they should.  Not a big deal.  I have been thinking about taking some glucosamine, that's for flexibility and ligaments.  Just something I might try to loosen up a little.  So, let me get into the good stuff!

History Day!  We are always throwing around the terms left wing and right wing probably without really knowing where it came from.  These are terms that have been around since the late 1780's and are associated with France.  It came out during the French Revolution and referred to where people sat during the French National Assembly.  The anti-royalists were seated on the left side while the people that backed the monarchy were sitting on the right.  That sort of follows how we use the term now in the United States of America, knowing that the liberal faction in this country sides with the anti-establishment more and the right or conservatives side more with traditional values.  It spread out to the rest of the world throughout the 19th century but didn't really start up in America until the early 1900's.  Nowadays it seems that we use the term almost too much.  Here is an article on this;

LinkedIn, an online employment service and website, puts out a list every year about the highest emerging jobs coming out for the next year and looks at how it is growing, shows various indexes of the types of jobs that are coming more in demand in the coming year and the number 1 for 2020 is in the Artificial Intelligence(AI) field, they say that this sector has risen 74% in the last 4 years.  AI is a hugely growing field and they will need all kinds of engineers and researchers to fill the roles that are out there.  These are not low paying jobs either, the jobs can fetch up to $250,000 a year, that would be a great field to get into.  Maybe I should go back to college to get a job in this field because it is only going to grow in the next decade as we figure out AI even more.  Something for me to look into, here is an article talking about this;

I guess Fitbit is good for other uses such as catching a cheating boy or girlfriend.  The story is a woman caught her boyfriend in the act because their Fitbits were synced up and one night he wasn't there and at 4 a.m. his activity levels were spiking, I'm sure you can figure out why.  Guess the moral of this story goes that you should take off any kind of exercise device before cheating on your partner, or just don't cheat as that's always an option and be straight forward.  Here is the article with a short video about this;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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