Hurting Day, Force Ghosts, Pork Shortage, Hyperloop Coming!, Who Cares

Hey there all, I hope your week is starting out great!  My day has been good, up until about 2 hours ago when I fell really bad out at the van.  I had the boys and was taking them to their dads and went to stand up when my left leg just gave out.  I thought I broke something, it was that bad, but I didn't break nothing but it hurts like crazy.  It happened right around 5 and it still hurts a lot, I'm sure it will be better by the morning after a good nights sleep.  Had a real good day at the gym today, did a few new things.  I am going to start rotating the days when I do dips and pull ups.  I did pull ups today so I'll do dips tomorrow, as long as I can because my left arm is hurting a lot too.  I'll see how much I can do when I get there.  Enough about me, let me get to the good stuff!

Star Wars Day!  For today I pulled up an article that talks about the possible people that might show up as force ghosts.  I agree that all of them are possible, to a point, but other than Luke showing up I don't see any of the other people that show up as ghosts in this list will have a huge part in the final story.  One person they have on the list is Emperor Palpatine or Darth Sidious.  As far as I know, sith cannot become force ghosts but we are mostly sure he will be showing up since the guy who plays Palpatine has been doing the tour for various comic cons.  I'm not sure how he returns but I can't wait to see it.  Here is that article;

So China now has a shortage of pork, so a farmer is taking it upon himself to end the drought by breeding some very large pigs.  Some of these gigantic pigs are up to 1,100 pounds, sometimes a little more.  But they are trying to stay away from the dangerous levels, pigs that have been born to grow larger before had died early from health complications.  That is what happens when you start breeding pigs that are too large.  Hope it helps out there pork shortages and I hope we get some of the good bacon from thees pigs, I wonder how different they taste coming from a much larger hog.  I bet the ribs are really good.  Here is an atticle;

It looks as if Missouri will be getting the hyperloop, if it gets started soon then it will be up and running in about 10 years.  One reason that this is a possibility is having I-70 bisecting the state between St. Louis and Kansas City.  Of course with a stop at Columbia in the middle.  This would be so nice when it gets completed, you could travel from Stl Louis to KC in about 30 minutes.  The drive between the two cities would take you 3 hours and 36 or so, depending on where you go, that equals out to about 247 miles.  So imagine it being cut down by 3 hours, that would be great.  It is cheaper to live in KC so you could get a job somewhere in St. Louis but still live in KC, since it's a little cheaper there.  That would be so cool.  Here is an article on this;

I'm gonna say one more thing about this whole impeachment situation.  Why is the whistleblower such a big deal, we now have the transcript so what ever they say is just their point of view or their opinion on the president.  By definition a whistleblower is someone who informs on a person engaged in illegal activity, I don't think that applies in this case.  Also, is there always this many people on a presidential phone call to another world leader?  Why is that the case, it just seems like they are trying to trip him up, which would constitute a crime.  But, let's wait until all the information comes out before we make final decisions on this.  That's what I will do and you should think about doing that as well. 

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!


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