Good Day, New Trailer, Bad State

Hey all, I hope your week is starting out great! My day has been good but only did what I normally do, I made it to the gym and worked on triceps a lot today.  That felt really good, that's what I was needing from being gone for more than a week.  The last few days I have been doing some good work on my book, still not totally sure when I will be done.  Of course the sooner the better but I want to make sure everything is great, I keep on going back to fill in certain areas that I have already wrote.  I really haven't been working on my Vikings book, I might try to do something with that soon but haven't really thought a whole lot about it for a bit.  Oh, I guess I forgot to mention but I think I have a job with J.C. Penny doing order fulfillment, helping with online orders so I won't be out there working on the floor.  Which is good because I won't have to wear really nice clothes.  I start next Monday at 5 pm doing some training.  Well, let me get into it!

Star Wars Day!  So the final trailer for The Rise of Skywalker is going to premiere tonight on Monday Night Football.  So I guess maybe I should guess at what is going to be included in this trailer.  I imagine there will be at least one small scene of Rey v. Kylo Ren and hopefully they do not actually show Palpatine, only maybe hear his voice like we have in previous trailers.  I will add the trailer tomorrow because I should be done with this post before it drops around 8:30 pm but if I am still writing then I will add it.  Also, it seems that tickets will be ready to sell tomorrow.  Now I think this is a little too early but it doesn't surprise me much since I am sure many theaters will be sold out.  Anyway, enjoy the trailer.  Ok, I did stay on long enough to watch the trailer, I thought it was pretty powerful.  Since I only watched it once and have not combed through it yet there are probably a lot of things I didn't catch but it looks great!  These trailers usually always do the job of pumping me up for these kind of movies and cannot wait for the movie.  It certainly seems like it is an ending or last movie of a series.  When I first watched The Force Awakens I thought maybe they would pull a Harry Potter and split the l last movie into two but they didn't.  I still think that would've been the right way to go but I'm just a fan.  Here is that trailer, let me know what you think;

I am sure you all are aware that I am not a fan of the state of california, mostly seen from me not capitalizing the name of the state.  I watched this video today about the top 10 reason why california sucks by World According to Briggs.  He puts out videos I like to check out sometimes.  It basically agrees with everything bad I have said about that state in the last so many months.  Here is that video;

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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