Another Lazy Day, Not Involved, Crazy Lady, Morning Workouts

Hey there everybody, I hope the end of your week is great!  I have had a pretty lazy day today, didn't do much of anything.  I wanted to go to the gym for the first time in over a week but the nurse didn't get here until after 1 pm and I thought I would just stay home.  Guess I will go back tomorrow.  So I am not a big tv watcher, at least not series or anything, it takes a lot for a show to hold my interests.  My favorite show that ended a few years ago was 24, I really liked that format since it was something that no other show over here in America had done up until that time.  I actually have all seasons on DVD and will pop that in from time to time.  I of course watch things like sports on tv, mostly football and I do still watch wrestling.  Wrestling is something from my past I used to watch a lot of and it still holds my interest nowadays, I like it for the dramatic stuff.  One newer show I have started watching is Chicago P.D., it runs simulcast on the USA network and I caught it on there and started to like it and now I am going back to catch up.  I just started yesterday and am at episode 11 of the first season.  It's pretty good, check it out.  But otherwise I haven't done much else today.  So, let me go on and get to it!

Alternate History Day!  There is a website called that is a forum like site for different alternate history scenarios for people to discuss.  One that I clicked on for today has to deal with, 'What if Britain had stayed out of WWI'.  It is an exceptional scenario and could lead in a few different directions.  One thing I think would happen, as was pointed out in the forum, is that Germany would have won before 1916, knocking out Russia first and then France and the other satellites last.  This is the point where Britain would become involved with German actions because an arms race would heat up.  At least for a few decades there would be a simmering cold war between Britain and Germany to see who can build the best navy or manufacture the best weapons.  This Col War will definitely lead to war later on down the line for the two countries but for now there is an unsteady peace.  Now, I think that if this happened then there would not have been a WWII, at least not in 1939 but maybe later.  It would stop the Bolsheviks from rising up in Russia, so that means no Lenin or Stalin, which is a good thing.  Russia gets to stay as a czardom and goes back to living mostly rural with a little heavy industry.  America would have never entered WWI since certain things didn't happen, like the sinking of the Lusitania or the Zimmerman telegram.  I believe that this would make America more isolationist, growing back into her own hole of a country.  But I still don't think this is very plausible, mostly because of all the different pacts made in the early 20th century between all the countries that ended up at odds during WWI.  But it's still fun to talk about and I hope you all enjoyed this.  Here is the page where I got this idea;

This comes one day late for me to write about conspiracies but this is too good to not talk about.  Crazy Hilary has come up with a conspiracy theory that beats a lot that have come out lately.  She seems to think that Tulsi Gabbard, a democrat who is running for the parties nomination against President Trump, is a Russian mole that is going to do everything to help President Trump get re-elected.  I have talked about this before, why would Russia want Donald Trump to be president?  He is a republican and republicans like to boost up the military and democrats do the oppisite and take away from the military.  So why wouldn't the Russians like to have a democrat in power?  It is really sad, Hilary is getting older, she is 71 and it seems like she is losing her mind.  Either that or she is setting herself up to run and wants to make some enemies along the way.  Nobody really knows when it comes to the Clintons.  Maybe she is upset because Tulsi is a younger woman and a lot better looking than she ever was.  I don't know but I love seeing these sparks fly, can't wait to see what happens next.  Here is an article on it;

I have always liked working out in the am instead of the pm myself and this study proves that a pre-breakfast workout is better at keeping the pounds away.  They go into a lot more detail in the article about why it is better.  That's one reason why I didn't go today after getting that line taken out, it was around 2 that she left and I could have went to the gym but decided against it.  One thing about me though, I don't need to lose any weight, I need to gain about 15 pounds sometime soon.  I'd like to gain it in mostly muscle but I have been eating like crazy, maybe I need to change that up some.  I do see a dietician this month on the 31st so maybe she can point me in the right direction..Anyway, here is that study;

Well, that's all for me tonight and this week.  I really do hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care!


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