Cold Day, Possibilities are Endless, Someone I Don't Like, Spread it Around
Hey there, I hope your day is going great! I am doing alright, nothing major today except for the crippling cold. At least that's how I would describe it being down in the 40's when it was 73 yesterday. Guess I'm not ready for the cold weather but are we ever really ready? Like I said, I need to move somewhere the temp doesn't fall much past 60 most all year around. In my older age I can do without snow, if I want to see it I have a computer where I can watch it snow on there. I am much more a warmer temps kinda guy. Since coming down with all this arthritis all over my body the cold is not a great time of year for me. When it gets down to freezing it feels like sandpaper on my bones sometimes. I know I am not the only one dealing with that but like most everything, it's relative to what we go through on a normal basis. Some people really like the cold and there isn't anything wrong with that, even though I think there is something wrong with those people. So anyway, let me go on and get to it!
MCU Day! There are plenty of things we would all like to see happen in the upcoming MCU phases of 4 and 5. All of us fans have events we want to see on the big screen but obviously we can only get so many. We can assume that certain characters are going to premiere, like Nova and Doctor Doom and Galactus. We of course want good stories and we can guess at what they have in mind, much like Secret Wars or the Thunderbolts. Certain things have to happen for those stories to happen so we will just have to wait and see what course they decide on. One storyline that looks to have been teased is Young Avengers, with the new Hawkeye series starting up it could give us Kate Bishop who is the other female Hawkeye. Plus then you have Cassie Lang to become Stature and Harvey to become Iron Lad because of his Endgame cameo. So these next few years are going to be a lot of fun and I for one will enjoy whatever route they go on. Here is an article talking about possibilities;
Now I will talk about a person I don't like for a few different reasons and one of the reasons is what I am going to write about right now. Lebron James is not the king of basketball, Michael Jordan would wipe the floor with him. But onto other matters. First off, I do not side with the NBA in this whole China thing concerning the Hong Kong protesters. This is a free country and if that NBA GM had those feelings about something then he has every right to express those feelings. The NBA wants to tie the hands of it's people so they don't say anything that would upset the apple cart is appalling and should be stopped right away. I don't know anything about the guy that said the comments but I defend his right to say them, just as I would with someone who disagrees with me. Like the old saying goes, I may not like what you say but I will defend your right to say it. That's how I feel in this situation. Don't know why people are that upset with it anyway, no person in China is going to see that because of the great Chinese firewall where they censor everything. James seems to be upset because nobody took him into account when making those comments. James is a horrible person, from everything I know. One guy on the radio was talking bad about James, saying that he likes current slavery, like the kind that is used in China to make his shoes. He makes millions off them and wants that to continue so that is why he comes out in favor of China. I think it was funny that James had some events cancelled while going over to China, good for him. Also, James does not like free speech, he thinks it can be a negative thing. I have two articles about this situation;,
Yes, there is income inequality in America. Do I think that is a problem, no. But you have these socialists going around wanting to "even" the board. The kinda funny thing about this is that the people calling for spreading around the wealth are wealthy themselves. Of course that depends on what you idea of being wealthy is. One of the bigger proponents of spreading the money around is Bernie Sanders, the crazy old socialist that is running for president in 2020. His net worth is around $2 million, now I would say that is wealthy because I make around $15,000 a year. He makes quite a bit more than that a year as a Congressman. I think their salaries should be slashed but that's another topic for another day. So anyway, getting back to spreading the love. Bernie also wants to have a medicare for all program, which that is a bad idea and I can talk about how bad medicare is another time, and he seeks to pay for this by taxing the "ultra wealthy". It can be hard to follow the numbers in this article but from what I have seen before on other places is that he wants to tax billionaires at around 97.5%. For one, that doesn't seem possible because then a billionaire would cease being a billionaire but I guess that's what Bernie wants. Elizabeth Warren, you know that lady that said she was American Indian to try to get into college, has a similar plan and doesn't like rich people. Now both of these two people have multiple residences, which is something I would consider to be wealthy since one bedroom in their main home is probably the size of my whole apartment. But, agree with who you want, I just wanted to bring some facts and make a few comments on it. Here is the article with Bernies plan in it;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a marvelous day or night, take care!
MCU Day! There are plenty of things we would all like to see happen in the upcoming MCU phases of 4 and 5. All of us fans have events we want to see on the big screen but obviously we can only get so many. We can assume that certain characters are going to premiere, like Nova and Doctor Doom and Galactus. We of course want good stories and we can guess at what they have in mind, much like Secret Wars or the Thunderbolts. Certain things have to happen for those stories to happen so we will just have to wait and see what course they decide on. One storyline that looks to have been teased is Young Avengers, with the new Hawkeye series starting up it could give us Kate Bishop who is the other female Hawkeye. Plus then you have Cassie Lang to become Stature and Harvey to become Iron Lad because of his Endgame cameo. So these next few years are going to be a lot of fun and I for one will enjoy whatever route they go on. Here is an article talking about possibilities;
Now I will talk about a person I don't like for a few different reasons and one of the reasons is what I am going to write about right now. Lebron James is not the king of basketball, Michael Jordan would wipe the floor with him. But onto other matters. First off, I do not side with the NBA in this whole China thing concerning the Hong Kong protesters. This is a free country and if that NBA GM had those feelings about something then he has every right to express those feelings. The NBA wants to tie the hands of it's people so they don't say anything that would upset the apple cart is appalling and should be stopped right away. I don't know anything about the guy that said the comments but I defend his right to say them, just as I would with someone who disagrees with me. Like the old saying goes, I may not like what you say but I will defend your right to say it. That's how I feel in this situation. Don't know why people are that upset with it anyway, no person in China is going to see that because of the great Chinese firewall where they censor everything. James seems to be upset because nobody took him into account when making those comments. James is a horrible person, from everything I know. One guy on the radio was talking bad about James, saying that he likes current slavery, like the kind that is used in China to make his shoes. He makes millions off them and wants that to continue so that is why he comes out in favor of China. I think it was funny that James had some events cancelled while going over to China, good for him. Also, James does not like free speech, he thinks it can be a negative thing. I have two articles about this situation;,
Yes, there is income inequality in America. Do I think that is a problem, no. But you have these socialists going around wanting to "even" the board. The kinda funny thing about this is that the people calling for spreading around the wealth are wealthy themselves. Of course that depends on what you idea of being wealthy is. One of the bigger proponents of spreading the money around is Bernie Sanders, the crazy old socialist that is running for president in 2020. His net worth is around $2 million, now I would say that is wealthy because I make around $15,000 a year. He makes quite a bit more than that a year as a Congressman. I think their salaries should be slashed but that's another topic for another day. So anyway, getting back to spreading the love. Bernie also wants to have a medicare for all program, which that is a bad idea and I can talk about how bad medicare is another time, and he seeks to pay for this by taxing the "ultra wealthy". It can be hard to follow the numbers in this article but from what I have seen before on other places is that he wants to tax billionaires at around 97.5%. For one, that doesn't seem possible because then a billionaire would cease being a billionaire but I guess that's what Bernie wants. Elizabeth Warren, you know that lady that said she was American Indian to try to get into college, has a similar plan and doesn't like rich people. Now both of these two people have multiple residences, which is something I would consider to be wealthy since one bedroom in their main home is probably the size of my whole apartment. But, agree with who you want, I just wanted to bring some facts and make a few comments on it. Here is the article with Bernies plan in it;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a marvelous day or night, take care!