Good Day, Popular Character Coming?, Dumb Talk, My Thoughts
Hey guys, I hope your day is going great! My day has been good, except for my time in the Home Depot, last time I will set my wheels into that store. I had to ask three people for help because the first guy said he would find someone to help, the second guy just ignored me and the third actually helped but basically told me I was out of luck and would have to order it online. Customer service is so important for business and I am not sure why it seems to be so damn hard for some people to conquer and do. All you need to do is put a smile on your face and be nice, when a customer is not being very nice then you be even more nice to that person, kill them with kindness, like my mom always said to me. That's the last time I go there. So I went to Menards and the first guy helped me find what I need, he didn't have the exact thing I needed but he found something else that might work. I was looking for a new grate for my bbq grill. The one that's on there now is all rusted up not looking good. So it's time for a new one even though it's almost the end of the grilling season but I will grill all year long, no matter if it is snowing or what. Everything else went well today, had another good workout. So, let me get into it!
MCU Day! So it seems we have light confirmation, I say light confirmation since Kevin Feige himself didn't come out and say it, that Nova will be coming to the MCU in Phase 5 starting in 2022. Will he be in a solo movie or appear in someone elses show first, we just don't have enough information at this time. I think it would be great to see him in a Captain Marvel movie or a Guardians movie but the Guardians movie is coming out in Phase 4 so I think that's out of the question, at least for now. I do not think anything is set in stone for the MCU until Kevin comes out and talks about it in front of a camera somewhere. He is the all seeing "God" of the MCU and what he says goes and only what he says. Nobody has the kind of clout or power that he does over at Marvel except maybe Bob Iger who is the head of Disney as a whole. Then again there are stock holders that have a lot of say in what happens. But the buck pretty much stops at Feiges door. Anyway, here is an article on this;
Just going to say a little about this because a lot has been made of it. Yes, President Trump says some dumb things, yes, he puts his foot in his mouth on occasion. Who of us has not done stuff like that before, said something we regretted? As the saying goes, something like this, 'let he who does not sin cast the first stone'. We all sin and we all have said dumb things before, it's just with the president he has a hundred microphones in his face so we all hear about it in almost real time. The media is saying that President Trump said this, 'the Kurds didn't help us with Normandy in WWII so why should we help them'. That's not totally true but I'm not going to get into that. Basically what he is saying is that the Kurds are fighting for their land, they want to make a nation out of northern Syria, northern Iraq and southern Turkey but Turkey doesn't want that to happen. The Kurds are an ethnic group out of Iran and the whole problem with their "land" is what happened after WWI when Britain and France carved up the Middle East to how they saw fit. If anything, we, the United States of America, shouldn't even be there to begin with, it should be France and Britain. They are the ones who started that whole mess over there but it seems as usual we have to clean up everyones mess. We set a bad precedent with Vietnam back in the 50's. That's a whole other story for another time. Here is an article about what he said;
So, I am going to go over this again, just to remind you and for the new readers here. Things are going to change for the democrats for the 2020 race for president. I do not think that any person that is running right now will end up being the democratic candidate. As I said before, I think there will be something to shake things up sometime shortly after the first of the year, maybe a little before the end of the year though. The DNC will realize that the people running would not be able to give President Trump a run so they will look elsewhere. One person that has recently hinted about a run is Hilary Clinton but I think they will look at others as well. Maybe a person that is not a politician, much like Donald Trump, he never held office in his life and they may see that as something to strive for in 2020. Somebody like Mark Cuban but Cuban has said that if he did run for president he would run as a republican as he is socially liberal he is very much fiscally conservative. But there is still a chance as he does not like President Trump. So that is just my thoughts on what could happen. Let me know what you think will happen.
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!