Good Day, Important Wars, Waste of Space, Not Important Enough to Talk About
Hey there all, I hope that your Tuesday is going great! My day has been alright, not the best by any measure but alright. Didn't do anything special today again, it took me a little longer to get motivated to leave the apartment this morning. My therapist would probably say it's because of my depression that I have been sleeping in a little and it takes longer for me to get motivated. I did wake up a little later but I went to sleep a little later last night than usual, around 12:30 am. I made it to the gym and had a good workout, I did something new. It's not the correct way to use the rickshaw/triceps pushdown machine but it worked pretty good. I was in front facing the machine and grabbed the two arms and moved them in a down motion, it worked the front of my shoulders, traps and a little bit of delts and rhomboids. Like I said before, it's always nice to try something new. Well, let me get into the good stuff!
History Day! I was racking my head trying to figure out what I wanted to write today and decided to go with a topic that I typed into Google, Most Significant War in History. This is a very tough thing to determine, what sort of a matrix will you use to figure it out? I think the way to help whittle it down is how much did it change the country or countries that were affected by the war. Another way to look at this quandary is to look at particular battles that happened during a war. I will add my top 5 most significant wars and then add the 5 most important battles. These will be ranked because of the effects after that war. 5. Taipeng Rebellion 4. Mongol Invasions (Yes, I am counting that as one war, this is my list) 3. 100 Years War 2. WWII 1. WWI. Those I think are the most important wars in history. Here is my list of battles. 5. Battle of Vienna during the Austria-Ottoman Wars 4. Waterloo end of the Napoleonic Wars 3. Battle of Stalingrad WWII 2. Battle of Tours 1. Battle of Hastings Ending Anglo-Saxon rule in England. If you want me to expand my reasoning on any of these wars or battles then I would be happy to, just leave me a message somewhere that I can see it either on here or Facebook or Tumblr. I don't have just one webpage to share so I would suggest looking those up if you would like.
Now this is a real piece of work that needs to be taken off the streets before he does harm to others. Just look at his photo and you can tell that this is not a good person. By looking at him a jury will convict him of the shooting and the attack on the attorney. All the attorney did here was try to help someone who needed legal help and for that he gets beaten half to death. Sometimes a good deed does get punished, really hard. I am thinking some pretty bad things for this piece of trash but he should not be set free. Now I didn't read all the comments at the bottom but it seems that most agree with me and this so called human should be terminated right away, no trial or last meal, just straight to a firing line. I'm not for sure if New Hampshire has the death penalty but in this case they should since beating your lawyer is a federal crime, I think at least it should be. I have heard lawyers that were told never to defend someone with face or neck tattoos before, pretty good advice. Here is the article so you can decide on what should be done;
Not going to talk much about this, just saying that the governor of california is dumb. He is setting up an official inquiry to see why gas prices are so high in the state. You know, one reason why so many people are moving out of your state is because taxes are too damn high, I imagine that the gas tax is probably higher than all other states so that in turn is raising the price at the pump. Plus the regulations california puts on everything that makes a lot of prices go up. Anyway, here is that article;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! I was racking my head trying to figure out what I wanted to write today and decided to go with a topic that I typed into Google, Most Significant War in History. This is a very tough thing to determine, what sort of a matrix will you use to figure it out? I think the way to help whittle it down is how much did it change the country or countries that were affected by the war. Another way to look at this quandary is to look at particular battles that happened during a war. I will add my top 5 most significant wars and then add the 5 most important battles. These will be ranked because of the effects after that war. 5. Taipeng Rebellion 4. Mongol Invasions (Yes, I am counting that as one war, this is my list) 3. 100 Years War 2. WWII 1. WWI. Those I think are the most important wars in history. Here is my list of battles. 5. Battle of Vienna during the Austria-Ottoman Wars 4. Waterloo end of the Napoleonic Wars 3. Battle of Stalingrad WWII 2. Battle of Tours 1. Battle of Hastings Ending Anglo-Saxon rule in England. If you want me to expand my reasoning on any of these wars or battles then I would be happy to, just leave me a message somewhere that I can see it either on here or Facebook or Tumblr. I don't have just one webpage to share so I would suggest looking those up if you would like.
Now this is a real piece of work that needs to be taken off the streets before he does harm to others. Just look at his photo and you can tell that this is not a good person. By looking at him a jury will convict him of the shooting and the attack on the attorney. All the attorney did here was try to help someone who needed legal help and for that he gets beaten half to death. Sometimes a good deed does get punished, really hard. I am thinking some pretty bad things for this piece of trash but he should not be set free. Now I didn't read all the comments at the bottom but it seems that most agree with me and this so called human should be terminated right away, no trial or last meal, just straight to a firing line. I'm not for sure if New Hampshire has the death penalty but in this case they should since beating your lawyer is a federal crime, I think at least it should be. I have heard lawyers that were told never to defend someone with face or neck tattoos before, pretty good advice. Here is the article so you can decide on what should be done;
Not going to talk much about this, just saying that the governor of california is dumb. He is setting up an official inquiry to see why gas prices are so high in the state. You know, one reason why so many people are moving out of your state is because taxes are too damn high, I imagine that the gas tax is probably higher than all other states so that in turn is raising the price at the pump. Plus the regulations california puts on everything that makes a lot of prices go up. Anyway, here is that article;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!