Good Day, A Sinking Feeling, China Again, New Moons

Hey there all, I hope you are having a wonderful day!  My day has been good, the weather is fabulous here, high is around 74 and a nice breeze.  I did make it to the gym today and had another great workout.  My left leg is still hurting quite a lot but feels so much better than yesterday and the swelling has gone down a whole lot in my left ankle.  I still cannot put a lot of weight on my left foot but I can put about 25% on my left side so it's getting better.  I found the name of the person I need to talk to about setting up wheelchair sports through Parks and Rec here in Columbia, so that's really good.  Hopefully I can get something put together and maybe get a job our of this.  Otherwise, didn't do much else today but I have been doing some writing on my book, still hope to have it done by the end of the year.  I know I have said that before and a lot of people take many years to write their first book especially when it is an autobiography.  I'll work on it when I feel like I can put time and effort into it, I don't want to half-ass it.  So anyway, let's get to it!

History Day!  Today I'm going to talk about a war that is not talked about very often in America, the Spanish-American War of 1898.  This was a reletively short war in that fighting only lasted for about 10 weeks, so that was good.  By all accounts Spain should have won this conflict since they had a significantly larger army at the time.  This was before WWI and America did not have as large an army before that.  It pitted around 72,000 American troops against 200,000+ Spanish troops, so Spain had the numbers but there were a lot of problems for Spain at this time, namely administrative stuff like running wars.  Years before Spain was a colonial powerhouse but had been steadily losing influence all over the world.  If you really think about it, the decline of Spanish domination, at least of the seas, ended with what happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588.  Since then the army and navy of Spain has never been the same.  So America defeated Spain pretty easy but what started this event?  The sinking of the USS Maine, which was done by Spain or what conspiracy theorist think, American actors.  There was a group of people in America that wanted Cuba to be apart of the Union and didn't know any other way to get the island except go to war with Spain and take it.  I guess I could have wrote about this on Conspiracy Day but thought it would be good here.  Go check out this war but it wasn't as exciting at other wars that America have been in.  Here is an article about the sinking of the USS Maine;

I was planning on writing what I had for a prediction when it came to China but I guess I will put that in this short post.  Recently a general manager for the Houston Rockets NBA team had retweeted in support of the protestors in Hong Kong,  You wouldn't think that would make the news but you'd be wrong on that because the president of the NBA came out to apologize for the tweet.  I, along with a lot of other people, do not think anyone needed to come out and apologize for what another person had done.  Plus it's not like he is inciting violence over there, all he was doing was showing his support for freedom loving people and I think that is great.  Now he probably should have just ignored the tweet and not resend it out but nobody in China would have seen the tweet since Twitter is banned by the government in China.  Why are we just pussyfooting around the issue of China, they do horrible things if you talk out against the government to you and your family, their human rights abuses are almost worse than what the Soviet Union had in it's history.  My prediction on what will happen to China, I believe that the communist government can only last for so long and that it will be toppled at one point.  I am not sure when or how but I do think the people will finally get fed up with everything going on and put an end to it.  It will crumble from the inside, much like I think this country will if it ever gets that bad because I do not think an outside force would be enough for us to fundamentally change.  Here is an article about that apology;

So Saturn, one of the largest bodies in our Solar System has just shown us 20 new moons and now they need to be named.  What would you name them?  And remember they have to be good, legit names as well so no Buttweed or anything like that.  They like to use names from mythology so think about those names.  If you have good ideas then message me, I'd like to see them.  Here is an article on it;

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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