Another Good Day, NFL Protests, Google Accessibility

Hello, I am back and going to write a little more.  So, my day has been pretty good, I did finally go back to the gym and worked out.  It felt really good to pump some iron again.  Even though most all I can do is upper body lifting, I still do a little bit of leg things.  Otherwise I did not do too much today, later in the day it was warm here, rising to about 90.  Hopefully within the next few days it cools down to where it normally is this time of year, about 70.  To end this, my pain level today is a 7.8.

So, the big topic and one I should have written about last night is the NFL protests that took place on Sunday.  My opinion on that, let them do what ever they want to do during the national anthem.  I think there are better ways to protest police abuse of black people than sitting or kneeling for the national anthem but I honestly have no problem with what some players have done.  I do not agree with Colin Kaepernick but I do not see a problem with what he started last year.  People only take issue with it mostly because of what President Donald Trump said the day before.  I think he could have chose his words a little differently but I cannot see why people are all up in arms over what he said.  What would you expect him to say, nothing, that is not the way the man works.  He lives on controversy and loves to get the media and the people worked up, that is what he does.  So all I have to say is, be yourself and do not let the words of one person make a difference in your life if their tone is decisive.

Just read an article on Google trying to get the public involved in helping to tag handicap accessible places for Google Maps.  I have noticed that on some entries on Google Maps that there is a section that says if a place is accessible or not.  This is something I can get behind, obviously being in a chair this stuff is important to me.  Now that I have read that I will help Google list places that are accessible or not.

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!


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