So, I totally forgot to do some writing today, it's been a little busy.  Anyway...I seen my primary care doctor today, not my regular doctor as she is out on leave from just having a baby a few weeks ago but her backup.  I wanted to see someone about changing my sleeping medicine, I was taking amitriptylin to help me get to sleep at night.  Just recently it was not working as intended, I had to take 1 and a half pills for it to have any effect on me and sometimes that did not work.  I am on 50 mg by the way, which I have been told is a lot.  Also it was giving me pretty vivid dreams, not the good kind like when you do 'shrums but bad ones.  One I was in a car accident that woke me up around 1 and another where I was on a plane.  So we changed this to trazodone, 50 mg.  Today will be my first time taking it, hope it works.

So, I did not get to meet Monica today for lunch as she was tied up with some stuff, not literally tied up but had things that had to be done.  Hopefully we can meet up another time.  Anyway, my head has been filled lately with Star Wars things because of the new movie, Rogue One, coming out next week.  I am going to see it on the Thursday premier at 7, going to be so fun.  Somebody recently asked me why I like Star Wars and my response was a rather generic one, because it was a great story and the characters are fun.  They had pointed out how the science was just wrong on most things in the Star Wars universe, I told them that when watching a movie you have to let certain things go and just live in the moment.  That was strange for me to say because I over analyze everything.  Oh well, I hope this is a great movie, I will write my thoughts on the review of it on Thursday night after the movie.

That is all I have for tonight everyone, kinda wanting to try this new med to see if it will work.  Take care and have a good night or day.


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