Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing great no matter what time of the day you are reading this.  So, the holiday season is pretty much over and I could not be happier, I would go to the mall here in Columbia to mail the cards that I had sold and it has been so busy, hopefully very soon it will start to die down so it's easier to get around.  I really liked the nicer weather today, it was 55 today, very nice for the end of December.  Would not mind if the rest of winter was around that temp all the time, no need for any snow or ice.  So, onto other stuff.

Today I learned why "Rock and Roll" is termed that way.  Roll used to refer to sex, as in a roll in the sheets.  Rock used to be used to say shake something or disturb.  Afterwards it was used to refer to rock something and "rock and roll" was born.  I like learning little things like that.  I find out these little facts from a Youtube channel called 'Today I Found Out', check it out sometime.

I have figured out what I would write for my first short history story, using the alternative timeline that the Earth is twice as large and that the moon is habitable, which means that it has an atmosphere like we have on Earth so we can breath there instead of living in life pods or whatever they are called.  When I get some work done I will post some of it on here.

Anyway, I am ready for bed, kinda wiped out.  I hope everyone has a good night or day, take care.


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