Rogue One: A Star Wars Story review (non spoilers), very brief

WOW!  Not sure what else I can say about that movie, it was just great to watch from the beginning to the very end, it kept you hooked.  Every character was great in it, not one was disappointing at all, my favorite would be K2-SO, the "main" droid of this movie.  There is always a main droid in the Star Wars movie.  Fun fact, you would know this if you are a big fan but in every movie made in the Star Wars name, the phrase "I have a bad feeling about this" is spoken by someone at least once and it almost shows up here.  I will not spoil that part for you, if I said it I do not think that would be spoiling the movie for anyone but the way it is used I really liked and would like to keep it a secret until you watch, which I hope you do for your sake.

So anyway, that is all I have for tonight.  I will be back tomorrow with more stuff to talk about.  I hope everyone has a good night or day.  Take care and may the force be with you.


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