Running Together, Damn Taxes, New Policy, Sleeping Grid Thing

Hey guys, hope you all are staying sane during this trying time!  Hope this lockdown is going well for you all, seems my days are running together now.  Worse than it was before, I was pretty good about remembering what day it was as long as I wasn't in the hospital.  I'll be fine through all this, just kinda sucks for now and not only for me.  There are a lot of people hurting right now and hopefully before too long it gets better.  I'm thinking it will start to get better by the end of April but I'm no medical professional, so who knows.  One thing we all gotta do is keep our heads up.  Now, let me get into it!

History Day!  If you have not filled out your tax form, the government is giving you until July 15th this year because of COVID-19.  Many people today are against the federal income tax, saying it should not have been passed over 100 years ago, that it goes against what this country stands for and to a point they are right but the government has to get money from somewhere.  In 1895 the Supreme Court blocked a law imposing a federal income tax but they were unable to stop it's implementation when, in 1909 their was a constitutional amendment passed saying there was now going to be an income tax.  I'm sure the justices on the court were not really happy about this but not a lot they could do about it.  I think if Taft knew what was going on now and what the tax law looked like he would not have done that back in 1909.  So if you don't like paying taxes blame President Taft.  Here is an article on this;

Walmart just made a change to how you travel in their stores, they are making their aisles in grocery one way only.  Basically you can only go one way now, thinking this will help with social distancing and people bumping into each other.  This will help, to a degree but I'm sure there will be plenty of people not obeying those rules because they have to get that last box of hamburger helper and don't want anyone else to get it.  People can be horrible sometimes.  I also heard that Walmart is going to start taking every employees temps before their shift start.  You think they might have thought of that a few weeks ago.  If you are not feeling good, have a fever just stay home and away from work and other people.  All that does is spread the virus, don't you all pay attention in school.  Ok, I may have been the only one to really pay any attention to that day in science class but come on, be smarter about how you conduct yourself.  Here is an article on the lane change thing at Walmart;

This is very surreal, looks like a weird game of checkers or chess.  Las Vegas, in all their wisdom, after the homeless shelter was hit by the virus decided to set up these white lines in a parking lot for their homeless population.  Vegas is a big town and I'm sure there are a lot of homeless people there but I think this is a terrible idea.  Why can you not build them a shelter, it is easy to construct one of those pole barns, it only takes a day or two depending on how many people you have.  They construct fast food joints really fast anymore, why can't we do anything for these people?  Guess Vegas just doesn't give a rat's ass about them.  That really sucks, was hoping they'd be better than this.  Here is an article on it;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


Anonymous said…
Yes staying away from other people is the right thing to do . I can't believe Walmart had not tested their workers or at lease check their temp. I wonder of came up the idea of one way traffic in the store bright idea!
I would have figured Walmart would have done that before. I like the one way cart traffic idea but I don't think it will work very well just because people can be real as$#oles.

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