Slow Day, New Lawyer, Outbreaks Happen, Strange Stuff

Hey there everyone, hope you are doing wonderful today!  So it was another boring day in isolation but trying my best to stay in good spirits.  I did some more cleaning and rolling around since it was fairly nice outside.  I made something in the crockpot I haven't made before, beef and noodles, it didn't turn out very well.  The only beef I could find at the store yesterday for this was a nice 1 pound steak that would have been good grilled up.  Oh well, next I'll try to make some pulled pork in the crockpot, seems like all I want to do is eat.  Some people have tried to tell me that it's stress eating but I don't really have that trouble since I don't have any cortisol, which is the stress hormone.  When you are stressed your adrenal glands release cortisol to help calm you down.  Alright, time to get into it!

MCU Day!  Here is a great rumor, about Matt Murdock or Daredevil, maybe being included in the next Spider-Man outing.  From what happened at the end of Far From Home it seems reasonable that Peter Parker might need some good legal advice and Murdock is a trained lawyer.  If he does need a lawyer it will be Daredevil or Jennifer Walters or She-Hulk.  It would be a nice way to put Walters in the MCU before she becomes the female green giant.  I loved Charlie Cox as Daredevil in the Netflix series and seeing him with Parker on the big screen would be awesome.  Also have heard some rumblings that all the heroes from the Netflix shows would be making their way over to Disney soon, whether that is for a movie or part of a series.  Every character they had was spot on, the only one that I had any issue with was Iron Fist.  I am smart enough to know that the character is not supposed to be of Asian descent but I thought the guy who played him didn't do a great job but picked it up after the first season.  I really hope that this is true, maybe Kevin Feige will announce this soon.  I am pretty sure that there will be all kinds of news coming out of D23 and San Diego Comic Con this year, can't wait for all that.  Anyway, here is an article about that rumor;

If you go look back on human history and how we have done with a similar pandemics, such as the 1918 "Spanish" Flu or the 1957 Chinese Flu.  We have always come out on the other side stronger than ever, and I think is what will happen with this current pandemic.  Plus, we have gotten extremely lucky over the last hundred years or so by not having a pandemic as large as what happened in 1918, which killed upwards of 100 million humans.  One thing that helps out is that we are much more advanced in medical technology and in medicine.  And don't go thinking this is out of place or anything, there are outbreaks all the time, I have a page from the WHO that will show what I'm talking about.  So just relax, this will blow over before we know it.  Here is that page from the WHO;

Ok, I guess it's time to talk about how bad this is getting for Mr. Biden who can't keep any of his thoughts straight.  I refuse to sit here and make fun of him because I was brought up to not make fun of people with dementia and it seems like he might have early dementia symptoms.  Hope he gets the help he needs and to that end I think one of the best things for him would be to drop out of the race for the democratic nomination.  Not saying that I want Bernie to be the nominee but I believe that this man needs help and just needs to stop talking to people and allow people on the internet to grab that video and talk about how bad everything he says is.  Whoever is putting him out there should be fired, they shouldn't even let that person be in charge of a card game at a Goldfish contest.  In this article I will add he talks about how the cure for the coronavirus will be worse than the virus.  I have no idea what that means and I'm not the only one.  Another point that's getting worse about this situation, if Biden does win somehow in November, the person he picks as his vice will probably get the top job before a year would even be out.  Here is that article;

Ok, I'm trying to not do too many stories on this virus, I do try to be positive.  So I will limit just one entry to this virus.  To be honest it's a little more tough than you might think.  Just an update.

I searched for strange news stories and found a good one to talk about.  Now first off, I have to say that I really don't know all the laws of Canada as this story comes from Nova Scotia.  It has to deal with vanity license plates of GRABHER.  At first you might think that could be offensive to a female but then you learn that Grabher is the last name of the man who had that plate and he had been using it since 1990.  Apparently someone filed a complaint against this man, it was probably some snowflake or someone like that who doesn't understand the term context.  Obviously people that do not know Mr. Grabher will not know that it is his last name but it shouldn't matter.  There is a good explanation in the article about how a license plate is a public space since plates are used for identification.  This should be an easy case in the favor of Mr. Grabher, I hope he wins and shoves it down the throat of the person that had complained.  Here is that article;

That's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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