Nice Weekend, Kenobi Series, It's Closer, Bad People are Everywhere

Hey there all, I hope you are having a great Monday!  So my Monday was alright but my weekend was really good because of the weather, except for Saturday.  On Saturday I went to the ER because I was having most all the symptoms of another UTI but I caught it soon enough that they just sent me home with some antibiotics.  Both days this weekend it was over 70 degrees, we really needed some weather like that around here but then today it cooled down to 52 and it rained most all day.  Oh well, I like 50 degree rain, I just don't like that 20 degree rain.  Well, time to get to it!

Star Wars Day!  I'm really pumped for the Kenobi series, can't wait for it.  Obi-Wan was probably my favorite in all the prequels.  The series is supposed to be set about 8 years after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.  Also kinda hope we get a kid actor as Luke too, I think that could be fun.  If I remember right there is probably going to be some Jedi stuff that Kenobi gets into with some Tusken Raiders or something.  It will be directed by Deborah Chow, who has directed at least one episode of The Mandalorian before so I think she will be a good fit.  Here is an article on this;

Well, now the coronavirus or COVID-19 has spread into Missouri.  It was a younger woman who was studying abroad in Italy over in the St. Louis area.  It still am not seriously worried about it because it seems from some of the reports I have seen that people are getting better when they get it.  The person in St. Louis area was put into a negative pressure room, I was placed in one of these rooms back while I was at inpatient rehab at Rusk because they thought I could have tuberculosis because I gave some wrong info and I did have a few symptoms.  I had a mass in my lung from my time on the vent, it's a long story but it was a strange little room.  Everything will be fine, just don't pay too much attention to the media, who get paid to create a crisis.  Here is an article on it;

This next story is proof that not all the really weird people live in America, there are some in England.  A man over there raped a grandmother while also stabbing her and telling her that if she talked he would kill her.  It's a horrible ordeal and I cannot believe there are people like this in the world.  One thing that I think is strange is that the man went home after this like nothing had happened and he wouldn't get in trouble.  He got life in prison, it should be in a Syrian prison, from what I've heard some of the prisons in Syria are really bad and I think he wouldn't last too long there so that might be the best course.  Here is an article;

Well, that's it for tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


Anonymous said…
HI, This is a Blog from Monday I know I have read more of this week, o will that just me. I know I should not worry about this new flu thing but I do a little but that's something else I do. I have been trying to not watch the news, and the things you read on the internet. Yes the man who did the rape is a sicko. He will know how that lady felt once he goes to prison.Buy backs a bitch..

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