Busy Day, Lots of Rumors, Another One Bites the Dust, On Delay

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing great today!  My day has been good, a little busy but good all the same.  I stayed home from the gym today, letting that bone heal up.  Like I said, I didn't do anything major to the bone, just needs a little rest.  So I seen that oral surgeon today and basically I need to go to a dentist to figure out a plan of what to do.  So I will need to call around an talk to a local dentist to figure something out.  So anyway, who thinks I should get to it!

MCU Day!  As the article says, there have been so many rumors when it comes to mutants in the MCU lately.  One of the worst ones is that Henry Cavill  is going to be Wolverine in the MCU, that isn't going to happen for a few reasons but the biggest one is that Cavill says that he is not done playing Superman in the DC movies and playing in the MCU would put a stop on that.  We only have speculation of what or how the X-Men are going to come into the MCU and we won't have any concrete answers on this until Kevin Feige says that they are coming to the MCU.  Until Feige speaks then everything is just guess work.  But there is someone saying that Omega Red will be introduced in the Falcon and Winter Soldier series but that has to be taken with a huge amount of salt as it comes from 4chan, which is a part of the internet I will not venture to and I don't want to promote.  Omega Red is a badass villain and I don't think he should show up until Wolverine comes in.  So anyway, here is that article; https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/marvel-phase-4-x-men-leaks-rumors-spoilers-mcu-mutants-omega-red-wiz-kid

Looks like another one has dropped out of the democratic race, Mike Bloomberg.  I never thought he had much of a chance anyway.  But he is sending some mixed signals because he says that he is reassessing his campaign but has also given his support to Joe Biden.  Also Warren has backed out a little but not officially dropped out yet, she will though.  Now it looks like the race is between Bernie and Joe, two crazy old white men, something the younger voters cannot stand.  This is going to be good.  Here is an article on this; https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/04/politics/bloomberg-campaign-super-tuesday/index.html

This is some surprising news, the new James Bond movie has been postponed until November over fears of the coronavirus.  I'm not a huge Bond fan but I was looking forward to this movie so I guess I'll need to update my calendar.  This is going to be Daniel Craigs last Bond film and I wanted to see how it ends.  Oh well, things happen in life.  It's now coming out on November 25th.  Here is the article I found this; https://slate.com/culture/2020/03/coronavirus-james-bond-no-time-to-die-release-delayed.amp

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope you all have a great day or night, take care!


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