Not Scared, Hard Situation, Ashoka Tano, Abuse of Power, Run When Scared
Hey there everyone, hope your week is ending on a good note and you are all safe! Well, I'm still safe and not totally staying at home in isolation. I get out to push around, I go to the store and over to friends homes, I'm not really worried about it. People keep asking if I am worried about catching it since I have a depleted immune system, I tell them no because I've been through much worse in life that this little virus from a bat halfway around the world doesn't scare me. Really not much scares me, some of that has to do with not having any adrenaline. Even when I was put on a ventilator almost 16 years ago I wasn't scared or worried, I put most of my faith in the medical professionals and of course myself, because I know what I am capable of. So I guess I will go on and get to it!
Alternate History Day1 I am not going to put an article with this entry, just some thoughts I have had recently. I am sure I am not the first to think of what would happen if there was some sort of world calamity and the only humans left were in outer space. There is all kinds of what ifs going around right now because of this virus. But could you imagine 6 humans in outer space and they find out about something like a prion disease, which is a very deadly disease, spreads and kills everyone on the planet. Now those 6 are the last humans alive and need to figure out a way to get back to Earth to start repopulating the planet. Getting back to Earth is the tough part since they are in a space station like the ISS and do not have any kind of spaceship. Also, they cannot stay in the ISS forever without getting restocked by those on Earth, food will run out and then so will other systems keeping them alive. They would probably devise a way to crash the station back into the planet. But that option has a lot of pitfalls because they do not know if the station will just burn up on re-entry. So say they go with doing that, otherwise they will slowly die in space, a few might die but as long as there are men and women involved they can repopulate. That would be a scary situation, this is just something that has passed my brain lately. Enjoy.
I'm really pumped about this, Ashoka Tano is going to be shown on live action on The Mandalorian season 2 by Rosario Dawson. She is probably the most popular character from the Clone Wars and one of the few main ones that has not been portrayed in live action. Plus I think Dawson is a great actress and she will do a great job with the former Jedi. I don't think she is going to have a big part because if she is just now coming onto the team then she might only show up at the end in some kind of cameo role. They are almost done with the second season so it goes that she probably won't show up much. Plus, there are rumors now that Disney will release The Mandalorian a little early, probably because of all the movies getting moved around. Guess we will see what happens there. Here is a short video on that;
This is a clear abuse of power and these elected officials should be taken out. After they left a briefing on what the coronavirus will probably do to the stock market they immediately sold off their stock and made a killing. I'm not going to mention their names, it's in the article I'll add, mostly because I don't think the deserve recognition. Also, elected officials should not be able to own stock, I thought this was taken care of a long time ago. With them being able to have that info they can easily use insider information, which is illegal for anyone else, that's why Marthat Stewart spent time in prison. Of course these people think they are above the law and it doesn't apply to them like it does to the rest of us. I hope those people do some hard time for this; Here is an article on it;
I'll be honest, I did not read all this article because I really don't like to focus on negative stuff but I wanted to write about it. Where are the billionaires? Before a few weeks ago we barely went a day without any news about Jeff Bezos, who is the wealthiest man in the world, but since then I haven't seen anything out of him or most other very wealthy people. It is very embarrassing, look at what the insanely rich did during WWI or WWII, they stepped up and helped us achieve what needed to be done. Car manufactuers were turned in factories for tanks or planes or munitions. What are these, so called rich, people doing during this? I mean there are still a few guys out there like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are around and are promising to do things for people that need it, Cuban is going to help the people that work hourly at his arena and Musk is going to help produce ventilators. I give them props for not running to somewhere like New Zealand or a private island. Here is an article on it;
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend, I'll be back on Monday. Be safe, take care!
Alternate History Day1 I am not going to put an article with this entry, just some thoughts I have had recently. I am sure I am not the first to think of what would happen if there was some sort of world calamity and the only humans left were in outer space. There is all kinds of what ifs going around right now because of this virus. But could you imagine 6 humans in outer space and they find out about something like a prion disease, which is a very deadly disease, spreads and kills everyone on the planet. Now those 6 are the last humans alive and need to figure out a way to get back to Earth to start repopulating the planet. Getting back to Earth is the tough part since they are in a space station like the ISS and do not have any kind of spaceship. Also, they cannot stay in the ISS forever without getting restocked by those on Earth, food will run out and then so will other systems keeping them alive. They would probably devise a way to crash the station back into the planet. But that option has a lot of pitfalls because they do not know if the station will just burn up on re-entry. So say they go with doing that, otherwise they will slowly die in space, a few might die but as long as there are men and women involved they can repopulate. That would be a scary situation, this is just something that has passed my brain lately. Enjoy.
I'm really pumped about this, Ashoka Tano is going to be shown on live action on The Mandalorian season 2 by Rosario Dawson. She is probably the most popular character from the Clone Wars and one of the few main ones that has not been portrayed in live action. Plus I think Dawson is a great actress and she will do a great job with the former Jedi. I don't think she is going to have a big part because if she is just now coming onto the team then she might only show up at the end in some kind of cameo role. They are almost done with the second season so it goes that she probably won't show up much. Plus, there are rumors now that Disney will release The Mandalorian a little early, probably because of all the movies getting moved around. Guess we will see what happens there. Here is a short video on that;
This is a clear abuse of power and these elected officials should be taken out. After they left a briefing on what the coronavirus will probably do to the stock market they immediately sold off their stock and made a killing. I'm not going to mention their names, it's in the article I'll add, mostly because I don't think the deserve recognition. Also, elected officials should not be able to own stock, I thought this was taken care of a long time ago. With them being able to have that info they can easily use insider information, which is illegal for anyone else, that's why Marthat Stewart spent time in prison. Of course these people think they are above the law and it doesn't apply to them like it does to the rest of us. I hope those people do some hard time for this; Here is an article on it;
I'll be honest, I did not read all this article because I really don't like to focus on negative stuff but I wanted to write about it. Where are the billionaires? Before a few weeks ago we barely went a day without any news about Jeff Bezos, who is the wealthiest man in the world, but since then I haven't seen anything out of him or most other very wealthy people. It is very embarrassing, look at what the insanely rich did during WWI or WWII, they stepped up and helped us achieve what needed to be done. Car manufactuers were turned in factories for tanks or planes or munitions. What are these, so called rich, people doing during this? I mean there are still a few guys out there like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are around and are promising to do things for people that need it, Cuban is going to help the people that work hourly at his arena and Musk is going to help produce ventilators. I give them props for not running to somewhere like New Zealand or a private island. Here is an article on it;
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend, I'll be back on Monday. Be safe, take care!