Stay Positive, Hogan Gun Problem, Who is Snoke, Over My Head, Piece of Crap People, Cool Crazy Stories
Hey there all, I hope the ending of your week is great! My day has been pretty good, I watched my Godson and his little brother for a few hours today and that was pretty fun, my Godson just turned 5 about a month ago and one of the toys I got him was a small puzzle of the United States of America and we had fun putting it together, he is getting smarter. So today I am going to write my first post on wrestling, I'll mostly be telling stories that I've heard or read about, I probably won't do much news unless something really big happens. Also, I'm going to do my best to stay away from the news about the virus. I know it's really bad but I have a lot of faith with the human race and think we will do great. So I hope that all of you stay safe out there, wash your hands real good for about 25 seconds give or take a few and try to keep from touching your face while in public and don't go around and sneeze on people. With that out of the way, let me get into it!
Wrestling Day! For these entries I will not always include an article, these are just stories that I have heard over the years, read about or seen on the WWE Network. This was one of the earliest wrestlers on the road stories I had ever really found out about. I think this took place back in the early 80's when Hulk Hogan and the team called The Wild Samoans were driving between shows when, Hogan is driving here, they get pulled over. To help set this up The Wild Samoans were supposed to be wild and untamed savages that couldn't speak a lick of English. Now when Hogan got pulled over in New Jersey, both the Samoans were in the back seat, while Hogan was reaching for the registration and unlicensed gun fell out of the glove box, which is a one year prison sentence in the state. The Samoans could have easily got Hogan off this but they didn't want to spoil their characters because on T.V. they never would speak, at least not in English. All three spent the night in a jail cell until everything got worked out and they were released. That is some real dedication to characters to spend a night in jail to save your characters, back then there were still some people that thought wrestling was real and it was better to let people think that.
We learned a few things in The Rise of Skywalker and one more has maybe been revealed, who was Snoke a clone of? We know after watching the film that Palpatine had made Snoke as a clone of someone but never really sure who, that is until now, maybe. This comes from some user on Reddit, a place I do not venture online, so it's not confirmed by anyone yet, I'm sure someone will come out at some point to say who Snoke was made from. He thinks Snoke is a clone of Grand Moff Tarkin and I guess I can see a little resemblance because of the sunken cheeks but just some of the other scars on his body throw me off that way of thinking. Also, I remember some time ago that it was said, maybe it was in a comic but I remember it somewhere that Luke had fought Snoke before and that was were he got the other scars. Not sure who true that was, don't think anyone came out to confirm that one way or the other. Hopefully Pablo Hidalgo or someone comes out to confirm or debunk this theory, I'd like to know as I thought Snoke was the most interesting new character in The Force Awakens, even bigger than Rey. Here is that article;
Honestly I didn't read all of the article I'm going to add because most of the things they talk about a way over my head but I think it's really cool so I thought I would say a little bit. Quantum computing is the next frontier in computer technology and scientist just had a step up in there, they saved quantum states in a diamond. Now this might not be a big step for them, it says that it's a small step but I think it's pretty cool. Here is that article;
There are many words to describe this "rich" guy, talking about his housekeeper getting stuck in his elevator for around 72 hours. What makes this guy a real piece of work is what he said about the situation, he didn't apoligize or offer to help the housekeeper but basically said that she could have lasted longer, that 72 hours is just the tip of the survival spear for humans. Saying that humans can easily live without water for longer periods of time than 72 hours. This scum is going to get his, I hope he gets stuck in that same elevator for a little more time without any water or food so we can see if he was strong enough. I hope this housekeeper, who they never reveal the housekeepers name for privacy or even if it was a man or woman and it doesn't matter anyway, is not going to work for this asshat again. But if that person does, they should get a nice raise and maybe a good gift. Here is the article;
I love stories like this, crazy stories that should be made into movies. Crazy stuff happens in the world everyday and luckily for us now is that those bonkers are more reported than what they were even 50 years ago. There are 7 stories here that deserve to have some sort of film be made about them. The first one is something that happens in Florida at least once a year or so, where it gets cold and iguanas can simply fall from the tree or where they are walking, these animals are not dead but are just almost frozen, at least for them. One man picked up a bunch of them and put them in the car with him, while he was driving he had the heat on and that thawed out the lizards who are pretty pissed off at this time. He ends up crashing his car while trying to survive the attacks. Guess he didn't think that one through very much. There are 6 more good stories that deserve some sort of big screen treatment, enjoy them;
That's all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a fabulous weekend, stay safe and take care!