Boring Day, Step Up, New Treatment, Hungry Hungry Hippos

Hey there everyone, hope this isolation is treating you well! My day has been going pretty good, got a little better sleep last night and it wasn't too terrible outside today.  It did rain pretty hard early in the day but then the sun popped out for about an hour or so around 3.  Always nice to see the sun even if it is just for a little bit.  Didn't do much today really, that'll probably be the theme for the next few weeks.  Especially since we are in a shelter-at-home order, not sure if it's the whole state of Missouri or if it was only for Columbia but I know that St. Louis and Kansas City are already doing that.  I know the article said that it would be on the 5 o'clock news but I don't like to turn on the news right now, it just makes you depressed when all the liberal types, which is a lot of the news people nowadays, talk about the end of the world.  It's not even close to the end yet for the human race, we will come back from this stronger than ever, just wait and see.  Well anyway, let me get into it!

History Day!  I'm going to expand on something I mentioned a few days ago, about the heavy industy of America doing what they can to help out.  The big manufactuers of America put aside what they would normally produce to help out the war effort during WWII.  This was much needed because just before Japan attacked the country they did not have a great standing army and something would need to be done for us to even be comparable to our enemies Germany or Japan.  Americans of all stripes stood up to help, as much as 11% of the population served during WWII.  The output was so great by the auto makers in the country that there was not a new car produced between 1942 and 1945.  The car makers today would easily be able to do this, shut down regular production to head up building medical devices but like I said before that the billionaires have run away from the problem, not wanting to help the country that helped make them rich.  So I say, good riddance to you, we can do this ourselves, us lowly people that are not billionaires.  Maybe they shouldn't be let back in the country after going to someplace like New Zealand.  Anyway, here is an article talking about what Ford, GM and Chrysler did during those times;

Right now it seems that New York state is the epicenter of this crisis in America and now they are using a good tool to maybe fight this thing off.  It's not a cure or vaccine but it might help some people.  They are using an old strategy that was used during the 1918 Spanish Flu, taking plasma from someone who recovered and injecting it into someone with the virus.  Now the situation was a little different back then, they used horses to try this out but it wound up creating the cure, maybe it'll work here.  This might be something that slows the spread down, no matter what it gives us all hope and I know that those scientist are not giving up and they will find something.  We have come a long was as a species since 1918 and have more and better technology than they had so we will beat this thing.  Here is an article on it;

Here is a fun little story about a very interesting person, Pablo Escobar.  Love him or hate him there is no doubt that he was someone that's fun to read up on.  He was so rich that in 1989 he was the 8th richest human on the planet, with a net worth over $30 billion, he would have to spend millions of dollars a month on rubber bands, have to write off 12% of his cash because rats were eating his money he had in storage and he had his own zoo for his children and the local kids.  Just like all famous "bad guys" he did have a soft spot sometimes.  Just like Al Capone, who was probably the most famous mobster of his day that did some rather questionable things to people, would offer free food and lodging for the poorer people of Chicago.  Before Escobars death in 1993 he had transported 4 hippos to live at one of his estates and now that number has grown to about 80 of the animal.  If you weren't aware, a hippo is one of the most deadly animals in the world, they have been known to swallow a person whole.  And they are faster than they look.  The hippos are actually restoring some of the ecosystem of Colombia, which is a good thing.  Some scientist are really happy about this and I can see why.  It shows that a feral species in an unknown environment can do really well there.  Obviously hippos are not native to this area of South America so there is the question of why did they let the animals stay after Pablo was killed, that's a question for another time.  Here is an article on the hippos;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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