
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hesitation About Treatment, Spidey and the Four, Killer Wasps

Health Update, All About Pumpkins, Medicare For All Problems, Finally Gone

Hospital again

Lazy Day, Reboot?, Killer Deer, Too Much

Good Day, Shows Coming Back, Small Change

Good Day, Important Wars, Waste of Space, Not Important Enough to Talk About

Good Day, New Trailer, Bad State

Good Saturday, Cat Fight, Drug Kingpin

Another Lazy Day, Not Involved, Crazy Lady, Morning Workouts

Stuck Day, Strange Ones, October Surprise in January?

Cold Day, Possibilities are Endless, Someone I Don't Like, Spread it Around

Lazy Day, Non Stop, Sick of It, The Worst People

I'm Out, Another Possible Character, So Much Mystery

Hospital again

Good Day, Popular Character Coming?, Dumb Talk, My Thoughts

Good Day, A Sinking Feeling, China Again, New Moons

Hurting Day, Force Ghosts, Pork Shortage, Hyperloop Coming!, Who Cares

Alright Day, Industrial Revolution. Crazy People, Not Sure What To Do, Eat The Babies

Good Day, Coming Back?, Universal Basic Income, Some People Are Crazy, Bad Doc