Icy Day, Good Video, Great Letter, No Vaccines, Problems in Virginia

Hello everyone, I hope your day is great!  My day hasn't been too bad, just really down because of this weather.  It is so bad, the sun hasn't been out since last Sunday.  Today it was freezing rain, snow and temps were dropping, at 5 am it was 36 out and by 12 it was 25 and now is 17 out.  I know this isn't the hardest hit place from all this crappy winter weather but it really does bad stuff to depression, especially to someone with seasonal depression.  I did make it into the gym today, man I got so winded within the first 15 minutes.  At the gym I go to, Planet Fitness, they have a rope that is hung up on this one thing and you can pull it down and it runs on a wheel.  That is so tough, I wanted to set my timer at 45 secs and accidentally set it at 45 minutes.  I only did it for about 50 seconds at a time. It is pretty tough.  I chipped a tooth again, I was eating a gummy bear, something really hard.  That's just the tough thing about taking steroids for 30 years, your teeth are just going to fall out.  I will just replace them when it gets more affordable.  So, let me go on and get to it!

So I just watched a good video on Youtube from one of my favorites, I have mentioned them before as Emergency Awesome.  It has to deal with the feud between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman and is pretty funny.  He talks about that Disney is getting the X-Men and that they will recast Wolverine and that more than likely Hugh Jackman is done playing that character.  One funny thing he shows is a picture of nerd God Kevin Feige while he was working on the first X-Men movie and he has a mostly full head of hair.  I got a good laugh out of it.  Anyway, here is that video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DFKYL0uzHM

Following this writing is an open letter a young woman wrote to Jeff Sessions when he was the Attorney General and I think it is pretty powerful.  It delves into the fact that medical marijuana should be available for people with serious conditions that it could help that have no other real options for pain relief.  There is not a lot I can say about this so I will just share this and you can make up your own mind; http://nationalpainreport.com/an-open-letter-to-jeff-sessions-from-a-young-medical-marijuana-patient-8837349.html

One current news story that really upsets me is the whole measles mess in places like Washington state.  All because some parents thought it was a good idea not to get vaccines for their children.  It is true, I cannot get vaccinated for a lot of reasons, all medical, I am just a little different.  There are 51 confirmed cases in Clark County in Washington state.  Measles is a very serious condition that, even though very small, can lead to death.  The effective rate of death to measles is only 0.2 percent but this is a very preventable condition.  Just read up on measles, even on Wikipedia which has pretty good info and it can be very scary.  I am not against all vaccines but I am against the flu vaccine, mostly because a side effect of it is GBS, that isn't the reason why I have GBS though.   Here is an article on the recent cases; https://komonews.com/news/local/number-of-confirmed-measles-cases-in-clark-county-grows-to-51

They really have a handful of cases of problems in Virginia right now, the top three government officials are dealing with some kind of scandal.  The democrats are really eating crow right now, always calling republicans racist when it is them, the democrats, that are the racists.  That is the scandal for the governor, the next in line has a sexual scandal to deal with and then the third in line said he also dressed up in blackface.  Guess that is called a crisis of government.  Guess the big thing now is to go look at old school books to find something racist to ruin someone politically.  Now, the funny thing is there are all kinds of actors that have been in blackface before, but they don't get in trouble because they are just part of the system.  Very sad really.  Hope it gets figured out soon, the media will probably forget about it before too long. 

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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