
Showing posts from 2019

Last Day, No History Stuff, Disability Things, Being Petty

Better Sleep, Mandalorian is Really Good, Helpful Tips, Same Story

So Tired, WWII Myths

Happy Holidays!, Did He Exist?, Exciting Show Coming?

Still Sleepy, What's Next for Star Wars, Gun Control Myths List

Spoiler Free Review of The Rise of Skywalker

Better Day, Oldest Marvel Superhero, Might Be Going Away Soon

Crappy Day, Secret Societies, Buying Literal Junk

Snowy Day, The Rise of Skywalker Soon, Pandemic is Coming

Really Tired, What if Christianity Never Existed?, Homeless Solution?, More Bitching

Good Day, Lying About Our History, Positive Story, More Drugs Helping Out

Good Day, New Group in the MCU, Expensive Medical Stuff, Lost Luggage Almost Costs Team

Not So WIndy, Where Did Both Sides of the Political Spectrum Come From, Caught in the Act

Good Day, Different Directors, New Film, Another Diagnosed

Prologue for My Book

Good Day, States Are Nations, Old Laws Need to Go, Pay Attention to More Than Your Phone

Lazy Stuff, Bad Rap, Stupid Stuff, No Last Hope for Democrats

Good Day, New Characters, Bad People, Changes to Come