OK Day, No Shutdown As of Yet, Hemp for All, Winter Solstice!

Hey everyone, I hope you all are having a great Friday!  My day has been ok, I guess.  I had an impromptu doc appointment, my doctors nurse called me back this morning and said I really had two options, either go to the ER again or a doc appointment at her office.  I choose the doc appointment since I was tired of going to the ER so much lately.  I seen a doctor that worked there, not my normal primary care doctor but he seemed very knowledgeable, so that was good.  He suggested I start taking some other meds like miralax, which they had some samples for me there and to increase the amount of docuset I take from one a day to two a day.  Hopefully that helps some but he said to call on Monday to let them know if I have had a bowel movement.  So I will try to get stuff out of there this weekend.  I am already incredibly tired while writing this first part so this will probably be fairly short.  So, let me get into it!

As of me writing this, just after 6 pm on Friday, I guess they have until midnight Washington time to get a deal done to prevent a shutdown.  I am totally sure something will get done before Christmas to stop a government shutdown.  President Trump has said that he would allow the government to shutdown if he did not get funding for a border wall and of course democrats are against that.  But it seems that democrats might be open to building something other than a wall, like maybe a fence, I really hate when these people we elected are just using semantics to get their way.  I think a wall at the southern border would help this country out, keep out those that want to enter without going through the process like many others do.  I do not mind immigrants at all, as long as they come here legally.  So I am sure some kind of middle ground will be found soon.  Here is an article on the problems; https://www.cbsnews.com/live-news/government-shutdown-2018-deadline-hours-away-today-2018-12-21-live-updates/

Hemp is now legal to grow in the United States!  I think this is a big win for a lot of people out there and I think farmers will take advantage of this and start to set aside land to begin growing this product soon.  I have not read the whole farm bill 2018, not sure any one person can since it is so large but what I have seen is a positive thing for a lot of people and industries.  Hemp is very versatile and can be used in most things from clothes to plastics to pharmaceuticals.  Now there comes the gray area, at least for the time being until the FDA brings the issue more to light.  Hemp does not contain THC, the reason for the high from marijuana, but has many other uses such as for shoes or rope, which was a big reason for growing the stuff before the ban by the government.  I remember when I was younger learning that hemp was grown close to railroad tracks in the 19th century because the soil was so good for it since the soil was very loose from trains running on the dirt and remember seeing a few hemp plants that grew next to the railroad tracks that were right next to my house as a kid.  So this will be fun to see what happens after the first of next year, can't wait!  Here is an article talking about this; https://www.marijuanamoment.net/hemp-is-officially-legalized-with-president-trumps-signature-on-the-farm-bill/ and here is an article talking about some things that can be made with hemp; https://420intel.com/articles/2018/04/23/15-products-can-be-made-hemp

Remember, I hope most of you did, today was the winter solstice or Sol Invictus which means conquering sun,  That means that the sun will stay out about one minute longer after today, which is the shortest day of the year.  Yay!  Just wish it meant that the weather was getting warmer but it is just now winter.

That's it for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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