Easy Day, New Hat for Kylo, Great Man, Another Star Wars story
Hey there everyone, I hope you all are great! My day went pretty well, I did not do a whole lot today, I did make it to the gym though today. That's fine, anymore on these cold days I do not like to get out and do much at all. We were supposed to get some weather either yesterday or today but did not get anything, there were some flurries earlier but it did not amount to anything. That was fine, keep that nasty weather up north, they like it. The sun did not come out today as it was very overcast and that was why I had a little more pain today than normal. So, anyway, let me get into it!
Star Wars Day! Ok, this is not as big of a leak about the upcoming Episode IX but it is still important. It states that Kylo Ren has pretty much the same mask as before, it is the one that he smashed in The Last Jedi and he pieced it together with some sort of Star Wars glue. They say that the "glue" looks red crystal type stuff. I know that things like helmets and masks can hold a lot of power for the Sith but I thought Kylo Ren was not a Sith, so why does he care about this helmet? I understand that he worships his grandfather Darth Vader but he could have found another mask to use instead of using his old one, I would think. Like the person that wrote the article, I hope that Kylo doesn't use the mask as much for the movie, I don't think it will look very good. Hopefully it gets destroyed early on. Anyway, here is that article I read this on; https://www.slashfilm.com/new-star-wars-episode-9-rumors/
I am going to say a little about President George H.W. Bush. I feel for his family, a great man who was a good president. I was only 8 when the man was elected into office and don't really remember his presidency as much but I have done research on him before. Hopefully we can find a president like he was soon. You will be missed 41.
Here is another Star Wars story, kind of. A man was arrested in Tennessee and he had the unfortunate name of Luke Sky Walker. In a way it was funny, when I first seen this I laughed and said, 'well, I guess he lost his Jedi way'. Mark Hamill, the man that plays the real Luke Skywalker said about this, he felt sorry for the young man because his parents would give him a name like this. I will include the article; https://www.cnet.com/news/luke-sky-walker-was-arrested-and-mark-hamill-has-thoughts/
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!
Star Wars Day! Ok, this is not as big of a leak about the upcoming Episode IX but it is still important. It states that Kylo Ren has pretty much the same mask as before, it is the one that he smashed in The Last Jedi and he pieced it together with some sort of Star Wars glue. They say that the "glue" looks red crystal type stuff. I know that things like helmets and masks can hold a lot of power for the Sith but I thought Kylo Ren was not a Sith, so why does he care about this helmet? I understand that he worships his grandfather Darth Vader but he could have found another mask to use instead of using his old one, I would think. Like the person that wrote the article, I hope that Kylo doesn't use the mask as much for the movie, I don't think it will look very good. Hopefully it gets destroyed early on. Anyway, here is that article I read this on; https://www.slashfilm.com/new-star-wars-episode-9-rumors/
I am going to say a little about President George H.W. Bush. I feel for his family, a great man who was a good president. I was only 8 when the man was elected into office and don't really remember his presidency as much but I have done research on him before. Hopefully we can find a president like he was soon. You will be missed 41.
Here is another Star Wars story, kind of. A man was arrested in Tennessee and he had the unfortunate name of Luke Sky Walker. In a way it was funny, when I first seen this I laughed and said, 'well, I guess he lost his Jedi way'. Mark Hamill, the man that plays the real Luke Skywalker said about this, he felt sorry for the young man because his parents would give him a name like this. I will include the article; https://www.cnet.com/news/luke-sky-walker-was-arrested-and-mark-hamill-has-thoughts/
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!