Good Day, More Conspiracy Stuff, Irregular President, Hopefully a Trailer Soon, Legal Snowball Fights
Hey there everybody, I hope your Tuesday is going great! Mine has been good, I got to hangout with a friend on mine for awhile today. I did take the day off from the gym, just didn't feel like going today. I will make it there tomorrow and have a really good workout. I did have to go back to the store, I went yesterday but I had forgotten to pick up some milk. I had milk written down on my list but I forgot to bring my list in, it was sitting in my van. That is what happens when you get old, you forget stuff. I did remember to get everything else on my list though, so that helps. Well, time to get into it!
History Day! Over on my history blog I am writing about conspiracy theories. I was going to write about the first or earliest know conspiracy theory but I was not able find out what was the first one that was put forth but I did find out when conspiracy theory was first mentioned publicly, which was around 1870 and the term was first brought into American lexicon in 1964 when the New York Times wrote 5 different articles on this new term. I imagine that the Kennedy assassination had a lot to do with this I'm sure as there have not been any lack of conspiracies involving that event, all the way from another shooter to the babushka lady and a man carrying an umbrella. It is enough to keep anyone busy that studies what happened on that day in 1963 in Dallas, TX. What conspiracy theories do you believe in? Leave me a comment on here or on Facebook and I will get back to you.
It seems to a lot of people that President Trump has changed in his manner recently and nobody can put their finger on just why this has happened. Maybe it has to do with a former president dying or lightening his trade talk when it comes to China but there has been a shift in the way this president acts as of late. It also might have to do with the fact that Robert Mueller is ready to totally open up what he has been working on and the president does not want to take away from that. I believe that the whole "Russia collusion" thing was a sham and that it was just his enemies out to get him. I do think Mueller will find some dirt on the president but just not when it comes to Russia. It was an investigation that was looking for a crime, not investigating one that had already been commited and I think that part of it was illegal and I think that President Trump has a case to fight whatever comes out in the next week or so. I think Mueller should have to show his cards right away and not wait forever, until a more opportune time shows up or something. This has gone on long enough and I just want it over, in my opinion. Here is an article that got me thinking about this, I did not read all of it;
Quick note, the Avengers 4 trailer is supposed to be coming out anywhere from tomorrow morning to the end of Friday, from what I have gathered. Just thought I would give a heads up.
Here is a good story to end the day on here, a 9 year old helped to overturn a law in a Colorado town that should have never been outlawed to begin with. One problem we have now a days is we do not let kids be kids, they only get one chance at that stuff. So when some kids just want to go out and throw snow at each other we should let them, as long as they are being safe about it, of course. Severance Colorado had a ban on throwing snowballs in the city and one 9 year old Dane Best wanted the city to overturn the law that has been in place for around 100 years because for some reason the city classified snowballs as missiles. That was the craziest thing I think I have heard in a very long time. Nobody really knew what a missile was 100 years ago, but anyway. So at least this story had a happy ending, now kids can go out and have at it with the snow, might as well do something with that stuff.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really do hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! Over on my history blog I am writing about conspiracy theories. I was going to write about the first or earliest know conspiracy theory but I was not able find out what was the first one that was put forth but I did find out when conspiracy theory was first mentioned publicly, which was around 1870 and the term was first brought into American lexicon in 1964 when the New York Times wrote 5 different articles on this new term. I imagine that the Kennedy assassination had a lot to do with this I'm sure as there have not been any lack of conspiracies involving that event, all the way from another shooter to the babushka lady and a man carrying an umbrella. It is enough to keep anyone busy that studies what happened on that day in 1963 in Dallas, TX. What conspiracy theories do you believe in? Leave me a comment on here or on Facebook and I will get back to you.
It seems to a lot of people that President Trump has changed in his manner recently and nobody can put their finger on just why this has happened. Maybe it has to do with a former president dying or lightening his trade talk when it comes to China but there has been a shift in the way this president acts as of late. It also might have to do with the fact that Robert Mueller is ready to totally open up what he has been working on and the president does not want to take away from that. I believe that the whole "Russia collusion" thing was a sham and that it was just his enemies out to get him. I do think Mueller will find some dirt on the president but just not when it comes to Russia. It was an investigation that was looking for a crime, not investigating one that had already been commited and I think that part of it was illegal and I think that President Trump has a case to fight whatever comes out in the next week or so. I think Mueller should have to show his cards right away and not wait forever, until a more opportune time shows up or something. This has gone on long enough and I just want it over, in my opinion. Here is an article that got me thinking about this, I did not read all of it;
Quick note, the Avengers 4 trailer is supposed to be coming out anywhere from tomorrow morning to the end of Friday, from what I have gathered. Just thought I would give a heads up.
Here is a good story to end the day on here, a 9 year old helped to overturn a law in a Colorado town that should have never been outlawed to begin with. One problem we have now a days is we do not let kids be kids, they only get one chance at that stuff. So when some kids just want to go out and throw snow at each other we should let them, as long as they are being safe about it, of course. Severance Colorado had a ban on throwing snowballs in the city and one 9 year old Dane Best wanted the city to overturn the law that has been in place for around 100 years because for some reason the city classified snowballs as missiles. That was the craziest thing I think I have heard in a very long time. Nobody really knew what a missile was 100 years ago, but anyway. So at least this story had a happy ending, now kids can go out and have at it with the snow, might as well do something with that stuff.
Well, that is all for me tonight. I really do hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!