Busy Day, Stop the Straw Ban

Hey everyone, hope you all are well.  Well, my day has been kinda busy until now, sometimes on days like this I feel overwhelmed.  But that's better than being bored all day, makes the time go by faster.  Plus I've been kinda down for awhile now and I need to pick myself up, I am getting, just taking some time.  But that's fine because we all go through tough times.  I have something to talk about tonight that deals with the disabled community, so let me get into it.

So, something I totally did not think about when I heard this stupid news, that a plastic straw ban was to go into effect.  That is really dumb but there is something most people do not think about, that disabled Americans need these to function.  I have an article on this and will share later.  I should have thought of this before but just wasn't thinking wide enough.  The whole idea behind this is pretty insane, it revolves around a survey by a nine year old calling people asking if they used plastic straws and somehow those people came up with 500 million a day when the number is a whole lot less than that.  And then there is the fact that these people think they can save the planet by banning the plastic straws when they don't really amount to much of anything of the garbage that is in the ocean, if you think about plastic then industrial plastics and plastic medical equipment or plastic bags we get from places like Target and Walmart.  This is just something else for the left to bitch about, really wish they would just shut up.  Try to remember the disability community, they vote as well.  Anyway, here is that article; https://www.foodbeast.com/news/straw-ban-disabled-community/

Well, that's all I have for you tonight.  I hope you all have a wonderful night or day, take care!


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