
Showing posts from September, 2017

Good Day, Little Pain, Chiefs and Tigers, Thor: Ragnarok Teaser

Another Good, Painful Day; American Assassin Review; NCAA Problem, Heroic Woman

Good, Painful Day, Republicans Fail, The Last Jedi Rumor

Another Good Day, NFL Protests, Google Accessibility

Good Day, Chiefs Game, MU Football

Good Day, Star Wars: Rebels, MU Tigers

Good Day, New Endo Doc, Equifax Screw-up

Alright Day, Warm Weather, Another Nibiru Prediction

Great Day, Fraud?, Barry Odom

Horrible College Football, Good Pro Football, St. Louis Riots

Great Day, History Movies, Wonderful Internet

Good Day with Falling, Mass Shootings, Movies List

Good Day, Debt Eraser?, Hurricane Wrath

Good Times, Equifax Breach, American Assassin

Good Day, High Pain, Another Storm, Lucasfilm problem?

High Pain but Good Day, Possible War

Alright Day, Bad Football Game, Texas Support, Utah Incident