Boring Day, Communism stuff
Hello all, I am back for this evening and I hope each of you are having a wonderful day. I have had a very boring day, I did not go anywhere and really did not do too much here as my knee is still killing me. Something I have not done in the last few posts is report what my pain level has been. Today it is at a very strong 10, I would say it is more but the stupid scale only goes from 0-10 and that is what I have to work with. So I tried to stand up to transfer onto the toilet and fell twice, at least these were more controlled falls and I landed on something that is a softer cushion, my butt. And I found out that it is much easier to get into my chair when I get up from the bathroom floor as opposed to the carpet. So at least this time I did not get any more blood onto the carpet. As I did on Monday, a little while after my fall outside. Not sure what is wrong, all this falling coming on all of a sudden almost a month ago. Probably just getting older and my legs starting to finally atrophy, I always thought it was a little weird that my legs never really did atrophy. But that is natural for somebody that does not use their legs for propelling their selves.
What to talk about today, well it has been a slower news day as I have not seen a whole lot of big news today. So, something that I ran across on the internet today is talking about the United States and terrorism and how they are linked, possibly like state run terrorism, much like Iran with Hezbollah or North Korea. There are some, Americans among them, that think the United States of America does promote terrorism abroad, which is to mean not in the United States. Much of the criticism goes back to the Cold War era when the government of the United States helped to prop up many dictators around the world that have horrible human rights abuses like Suharto in Indonesia and Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. Yes, many mistakes were made in that era, lining ourselves with some horrible people but it was for a reason, to stem the tide of communism. That was our big enemy after WWII and for good reason. Communism under Stalin was done horribly and it never should have been undertaken by the Russians or the Soviets. The way it was envisioned by Karl Marx on what and where communism should start is in the most advanced nation of the time. At the time of his writings and when he lived that country was the one that he lived in at the time, Britain or the United Kingdom. One of the reasons why Britain would have been a good start for this new form of government was that the Kingdom was so spread out. They called it the empire in which the sun never set for a reason, Britain had colonies everywhere. From the South Pacific to the Americas it was huge. The United Kingdom held about 25% of the global population. I remember seeing a map a while back that showed the countries not invaded by Britain and I think the number was close to 20 or 22 modern nations. Sorry, I went on for a little bit.
Also, my friend had her baby today but the little guy has a hole in his lung so any quick prayers, good vibes or whatever would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Well, that is all I have for tonight. I hope all of you has a great day or night, take care!