Bad Pain Day, Nice People Can Be a Bad Thing
Hello everyone, I am back at my normal time today. I am doing alright although I have a lot of stress going on right now with my housemate situation but it might be worked out by this evening, even while writing this post. My pain is very high, much higher than a 10. I have never liked the pain scale going only 0-10, I need to send a letter to the American Medical Association addressing this point. I think the scale does not account for those suffering from chronic pain, like myself, or the small pains people do not report. I think it should go from 0-20, I think that works better. I have done a lot of writing today and even got to the point of getting off the vent, so now I am over half way done. Did not think it would take this long. Anyway, on to what I have on my mind.
I read a very good article today talking about how too much politeness can lead to violence at times, even some societies have been reported to have more violence when they are too nice. Anthropologist have studied groups of people, as they do, the Kung San people that live in the Kalahari Desert. The group is usually a very warm and comforting society but they have a murder rate per capita higher than here in the United States of America. I never usually trust someone that is overly happy, something has to be wrong with you if you are that happy.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am getting a little tired. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!
I read a very good article today talking about how too much politeness can lead to violence at times, even some societies have been reported to have more violence when they are too nice. Anthropologist have studied groups of people, as they do, the Kung San people that live in the Kalahari Desert. The group is usually a very warm and comforting society but they have a murder rate per capita higher than here in the United States of America. I never usually trust someone that is overly happy, something has to be wrong with you if you are that happy.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am getting a little tired. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!