
Well, I have to do it again.  I am sorry but I took a few days off from writing.  I have not been sleeping well lately so I have been going to bed a little earlier.  Hopefully nobody is mad and we can continue on happily.

I think that the reason I have not been sleeping well, and also the reason why I cannot nap during the day, stems from when I had my left eye lid stitched shut.  Now, those of you reading this that know me have heard about the time I had to get my eyelid sewed shut.  It first started when I was paralyzed, my paralysis went all the way from my toes to my eyes.  I was in the ICU at the University of Missouri in Columbia at the time the paralysis was to my eyes.  I did not blink for several days, the nurses, who are great by the way, were putting special drops in my eyes.  This apparently was not enough because I developed an ulcer on my cornea, basically a dry spot on my eyeball in an area that is not supposed to be dry.  I really did not notice any problem until I was at Rusk Rehabilitation in Columbia and complained that my left eye would not shut all the way.  They had brought in an eye doctor to look at me, as soon as she was done she informed the staff that I needed to see her boss right away.  The next day I was taken to the University hospital to see her boss, he told me that they were going to have to stitch the eye shut to help it heal or I could lose my left eye.  Of course I said, "do what you need to do because I don't want to lose my eye."  Then I asked the dumbest question you can ask a doctor, will it hurt.  Of course he said, "not at all, we will numb it down first."   The reason why it was dumb is because of course he has to say that, he has never had this procedure done on himself before so he does not know how it will feel.  Let me tell you, it was the most pain I have ever felt.  When I got back to Rusk after the procedure, they had to give me so much in pain meds that could barely see straight.  But at least I felt better, and I had a cool eye patch.  Anyway, the left it stitched for about 4 weeks and then removed the stitches, which was really painful again.  But they had left one stitch in so it could continue to heal.  That one stitch I think is the problem and needs to be taken out, hopefully that will happen soon.  I'll keep you all posted on that.

That is all I have for today, I hope everyone has a great night.  Take care.


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