Hey everyone, back for tonight.  Today was a better day for me pain wise, just didn't like the cold.  It wasn't expected so I was taken by surprise.  I guess last night it got pretty low in temp and when I woke up I really needed to put on more, heavier clothing.  I refuse to turn the heat on until November, that is just me being stubborn, which my mother can say that I am most of the time.  I think being stubborn is a good thing, especially for a man that is old and set in his ways.  So it makes for a "different" living situation when my roommate is 21 years old.  Sometimes I get frustrated by things but I have to remind myself that he is from a different generation.  But so far things have been going good.

About three and a half weeks until some of us go to the polling places to elect a new president.  No, I do not believe that one persons vote could turn it one way or the other, mostly because of the way the elections are done now, through the electoral college.  But no matter who you decide to vote for, do not vote because you seen something on social media, vote with you mind, what you think would be best.  Also, do some research before the election on more than just the candidates for president, because the "other things" you will be voting for can have a bigger impact on you.  Maybe next time I will spend a little time talking about the, so called, smaller issues up for a vote.

Well everyone, I am off to sleep.  Take care and have a good night or day.


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