Special Final Election Post

 With everything that has been announced today I thought I should come back and put something up, because I like to talk about my opinions.  

So President Donald Trump lost his attempt at re-election, at least that is for now as I don't think everything is wrapped up.  No matter who wins we are still the greatest country in the world, our lives will not change that much.  I know, a lot of people that are or at least consider themselves as conservatives said that so many things would change if Joe Biden was elected president, I may have even said a few things but the worse of the things that people think could happen are most likely not happening.  I'm sure things won't be that bad with Joe Biden as president.  We just need to get away from electing people that are in advanced age, it's like we are electing people like they do choosing the Pope.  I can't remember what the exact age they want you to be when you are in the running to become Pope but I think you have to be above 65 but lately you have to be in your mid 70's.  Youth needs to be brought in.

Now it's time for the GOP to figure out what they are going to do going forward, in regards to the highest office in the land.  And there is no better time to talk about who the frontrunners are for the republicans and I found an article that talks about who could be the person in that position.  One of the more interesting names I think on that list is Nikki Haley, former ambassador the the United Nations, as I believe the GOP needs to embrace a woman in the top spot.  Then there is Tim Scott, a senator from South Carolina who happens to be black, I think he has some great conservative positions.  But of course people have to find something to bet on and this is ripe for the taking.  Also, I seen a funny short video, not totally sure where it came from, they talked about what will young people have to talk about now that President Trump is no longer in power, also the mainstream news channels will have to go back to reporting the news and I'm sure they don't want to do that.  Well, no matter what this will be an interesting 4 years.  Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-lost-so-what-happens-to-the-gop-174205340.html

Even though the election is more than likely over, the real fight is just beginning.  Now, Biden will have to offer up who he wants to help him with his cabinet but he might have a tough time on getting any person confirmed through the GOP controlled Senate.  Because of his party and who he is I'm pretty sure he will try to get progressives into those positions but I do not think they will all fly with the republicans in the Senate.  Usually the party that wins the White House also win the Senate so there isn't much of an issue but because democrats didn't do so well on election night with the Senate races then there is this speedbump.  Biden might be able to get a few people in he really wants but there will be some serious back room deals on most.  Here is an article where they talk about his cabinet; https://news.yahoo.com/bidens-cabinet-speculation-grows-potential-062205288.html

Well, that's all for me on this Saturday.  I really hope that each of you has a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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